35 Of The Weirdest Signs Around The World, As Shared In This Online Community

Published 12 months ago

As we navigate the world, we often encounter signs that guide, inform, or simply make us chuckle. Some signs are designed to be straightforward and informative, while others take a more humorous and creative approach to get their message across.

The Reddit page ‘Funny’ shares hilarious signs spotted out there that are bound to bring a smile to your face. Today, we’ve sorted out some of the funniest ones from their page. Scroll below and enjoy!

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#1 This Wet Floor Sign At The Toronto Aquarium

Image source: mcastre

Stephanie Case : “Yeah, that would get stolen pretty quickly in my town. By me. I would steal it.”

#2 These Guys Sit At This Table Every Morning. The Restaurant Owners Made This Sign To Claim The Table For Them

Image source: leebob05

#3 Just Doing What The Sign Says

Image source: parsons5545

Blue_PandaOnTop (She/He) : “I liked it, and I shared it. It’s already posted though.”

#4 My Friend Just Returned From A 7 Month Deployment. This Guy Had My Favorite Sign In The Crowd Of Friends And Family

Image source: soggydave2113

still tired : “yeah joe. pay the five dollars joe. now, joe.”

#5 Been There, Drank There, Fished There… It’s True

Image source: mickeybuilds

thepinkrobot : “That’s what they say about St Augustine FL”

#6 I Thought It Was Weird Someone Put Tape Over The Sign

Image source: ayeayekane

YukiChou : “Lakenvelder! My grandparents used to have these. Super sweet and gentle cows.”

#7 Utah Has Its Issues, But It’s Traffic Signs Are Top Notch

Image source: B4ldy

Bryn: Do they have their turn signal on? Then sure. But if they don’t, no they have to wait. I don’t know what they’re doing.

#8 Helpful Sign

Image source: 87tskin

Joseph Stillman : “you know the kool-aid guy has been there”

#9 This Sign In My Kid’s Elementary School Fills Me With Nihilistic Joy

Image source: clifflampe

OhnoI’vebeencensored : “And definitely don’t get distracted – or, as my three year old says, “extracted”. As in, why didn’t you tidy up your toys? “I got extracted!””

Janet Howe : “These need to be in every office cubicle in town. For everybody who has to finish a project they know is worthless, but the boss insists on it being done.”

#10 This Sign At A Local Thrift Shop

Image source: CivilizedPsycho

Lord Voldedork : “Finally!”

#11 Sign Posted Outside A Fencing Academy!

Image source: shksona

still tired : “Also pretty good for introverts. 😁”

Couragetcd : “Is there a fencing license that lets you stab people closer than 6 ft away? Asking for a friend.”

#12 My Husband Is In The Process Of Redoing Our Lawn. He Recently Began Killing Off All Our Grass. I Didn’t Want Our Neighbors To Think We Were Neglectful Homeowners, So I Made A Sign

Image source: csidlauskas

Tilfeldig Forbipasserende : “But does the progressbar progress?”

#13 Local Traffic Sign Getting A Little Snappy

Image source: 101010109

Paul C. : “Yes you, in the BMW.”

The Original Bruno : “*In before the 16,000 complaints that you didn’t discover your turn signal and you were looking for your windshield wipers.*”

#14 Someone Altered A Deer Crossing Sign In Upstate NY

Image source: reddit.com

Christian Fuller : “This takes effort. Ours just have round red stickers on the noses.”

#15 Hacking… With Love

Image source: ToXc_Reaper

BubbaLouie : “If I was that company, I wouldn’t even be mad.”

christie lowe : “someone hacked into the arrowboard at a project detour once and wrote “FU&@ CALTRANS””

#16 My Local Super 8 Is Being Rebuilt. I Didn’t Know Why Until I Saw The Sign

Image source: AdmiralSkippy

still tired : “phew!”

Mimi La Souris : “australia ? (hu hu hu)”

#17 Brutally Honest Sign

Image source: gangbangkang

Paul C. : “I’m in this picture….and I don’t like it.”

#18 Everyone Kept Hitting Their Heads As They Walked Down My Stairs, So I Hung A Sign As A Warning

Image source: hot_controller

RavenTheCat : “That’s golden”

FaithD : “I’d look up at the picture and hit my head anyway”

#19 This Corn Maze Sign

Image source: shidanesayo

Christian Fuller : “True story – a family was lost in a corn maze overnight a couple years back. Couldn’t figure out that you could walk through the stalks.”

Rojudrws : “Nuh uh I’ve seen Steven King films. You don’t get out the corn.”

#20 My Grandparents Have Had This Wooden Sign Hanging On Their Porch Since The 90s… Today, Grandma Finally Snapped

Image source: CougarBoozer

that_gay_snake(he/they) : “grandma? grandpa? is that you!”

#21 This Synagogue Sign In Toronto

Image source: merdub

TotallyNOTaFox : “Eve was the first influencer and it went all down from there on”

#22 A Few Days Ago A Car Drove Through An Arby’s. This Was Their Sign Today

Image source: TotesOfGoats

WindySwede : “I want the sandwich now!”

Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het : “No sir, this is NOT how the drive-through works.”

#23 Sign In A Taxi Cab

Image source: jaykirsch

Remi (He/Him) : “I want the Ferret pics! I can give them back, mind you, but I really wanna see them first”

#24 This Sign On The Door Of A Local Business

Image source: OneTrueClassy

Serenity Now! : “A little bitter, are we?”

#25 This Volunteer Fire Department Sign Near My House

Image source: ImJustHereForABeer

TotallyNOTaFox : “Sexy uniforms?”

#26 This Sign At My Dog Groomer

Image source: Timbo879

AnMadraRua🦊 : “Pretty slim. But not impossible”

Trish : “Bold of them to assume that my hairdresser doesn’t wash my a*s. Way to generalize.”

#27 All Or Nothing! A Sign From A Local Business

Image source: MajorLeeClueless

Tilfeldig Forbipasserende : “Would it be an option to wear a mask but remove the clothes?”

#28 A Local Music Store In My Town Has Had This Sign Up For A Few Days. The Shoe Store Across The Street Finally Replied

Image source: madsmadhatter

Apachebathmat : “Shots fired”

Willem Oosterhof : “Who need enemies with neighbors like this. I hope this evolved!”

Elisa : “We need updates pleeeeeease 😭”

Board Pan, duh. : “Awww the whole town got in on it https://www.cbsnews.com/news/steve-hartman-on-the-road-jim-bohon-sign-war/”

#29 You Just Gestured At All Of Me

Image source: lumpyrabbit

Stephanie Case : “You just gestured at all of me.”

#30 Legit Sign Post

Image source: nofomo2

Samantha : “It’s a diverse community.”

#31 One Cardboard Sign To Rule Them All

Image source: 192_168_1_x

Joshua Moore : “I wonder…. Can this also apply to me? I’m 45 years old, shaped like a f*****g brick, my horn is broken and I’ve been known to use my finger in certain circumstances🤔”

#32 Sign Recently Erected In My Neighborhood

Image source: RiggsFTW

Bryn : “Maybe you shouldn’t have your cats outside without a leash and/or enclosure.”

#33 These Were Signs I Made For A Yard Sale Back In 2017

Image source: SilverOwl321

I heart Boo-BI-es : “The signs alone would def make me stop just to meet the comical creator. 😆”

Rumi Mohammad : “How much for the signs?”

#34 My GF’s Obsession With Cheesy Cursive Signs Inspired Me To Make My Own Uninspirational Signs

Image source: Shancar

still tired : “shh don’t tell the censor fairys”

TotallyNOTaFox : “I would swap the middle with the bottom for maximum comedic effect”

#35 Til My Soul Mate Is A Highway Sign

Image source: 101010109

Samantha : “I’m beyond tired and initially read that as “catnip””

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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funny, funny posters, funny signs, hilarious signs, signs