This Photographer Hired Retouchers In Different Price Ranges And Got What She Paid For

Published 6 years ago

Irene Rudnyk is a professional photographer who recently did an interesting experiment by hiring three retouchers in different price ranges on a website called Fiverr to edit her photos. And when she received the results, they were rather ‘interesting’ to say the least.

The photographer hired three different retouchers, each of which asked for a different price for their work: $0.25, $5 and $10. She gave each one the same task: “I would like if you made this image very vibrant, warm. Clean skin, bright eyes, and make her hair look more red, so it matches the background. Also, I trust your judgment on making this image look beautiful.”

You’d think that for $10 a picture one might expect some quality work, but that’s where you’d be wrong. Although as the price goes up the difference is obviously better, Irene doesn’t recommend hiring people to do the retouching for you and encourages people to learn doing it themselves.

Check out Irene’s experiment in the gallery below!

More info: Instagram | h/t

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Irene Rudnyk is a professional photographer who recently did an interesting experiment

She hired three retouchers in different price ranges on a website called Fiverr to edit her photos

The $0.25 Retouching Job

The $5 Retouching Job

The $10 Retouching Job

Rudnyk’s Edit

You can find out more info in the video the photographer uploaded

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Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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cheap, editing, fiverr, freelance, funny, Irene Rudnyk, photography, photoshop, professional, retouching