20 Times This Instagram Account Spotted Regular Interior Design Objects Used In Star Trek
Creating a brand new set of props for each episode of a TV series can get expensive pretty quick. That’s why prop designers usually resort to using everyday items in clever disguises – but none of them manage to slip by some keen-eyed viewers.
Star Trek + Design is a project started by a fan of the show named Eno back in March of 2020. In it, the man carefully analyzes old episodes of Star Trek, looking for household items that were popular at the time, and surprisingly enough, has so far recognized hundreds of them. Check them out in the gallery below, and if you want more cleverly disguised props, check out our earlier post here!
More info: Instagram | star-trek.design
Image source: startrekdesign
Bistro Cup designed by Carsten Jorgensen for Bodum.
Carsten Jorgensen is a Danish industrial designer, best known for his work for Bodum. His Bistro teacup is so ubiquitous to The Next Generation, it is sometimes referred to as “The Picard Cup,” from which Captain Picard drinks his “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.” It’s was also used in Voyager and the new Picard series. Originally designed in 1974, it is now out of production but is still relatively easy to find online.
Image source: startrekdesign
Spherical Tube Lamps by Roger Rougier.
The Rougier Tube Lamp was the second ever piece I featured on Ex Astris Supellex. I initially claimed that it appeared in The Search for Spock and TNG, but have since discovered that the spherical version was also used in DS9, as set dressing on the Founder home world. They were designed and produced in the 1970’s.
Image source: startrekdesign
Ribbon Chair designed by Pierre Paulin for Artifort.
Another Paulin piece, this time appearing in The Original Series, in “The Cloud Minders.” Paulin’s chairs were used widely in TNG, but, to my knowledge, only appear this once in TOS. The Ribbon Chair, designed in 1966, was also used in Blade Runner 2049 (5th slide). It’s interesting to note, in both The Cloud Minders and Blade Runner 2049, these chairs appear to indicate wealth, status, and taste by the higher classes of caste-stratified societies. In contrast, the use of Paulin’s furnishings in TNG do the opposite: they offer a scene of the comfort and aesthetics attainable and accessible to all Federation citizens in a society based on cooperation and equality.
Image source: startrekdesign
Sylvie Chair by R & Y Augousti.
R & Y Augousti is a French furniture company, known for maximalism and use of organic shapes. The Sylvie chair, designed sometime in the 1990’s, was used in the TNG episode, “Eye of the Beholder.”
Image source: startrekdesign
Suspens and Suspension Chairs designed by Paul Boulva for Artopex.
Paul Boulva is a Canadian furniture designer, best known to design aficionados as the designer of the Artopex Lotus chairs. Very few, however, know about his far-more famous chair designs (though I imagine this will become public knowledge very soon): the Suspens and Suspension chairs, designed in the 1980s. The Suspens chairs were used as seating for Ten Forward in TNG, while the Suspension chairs were used in both Ten Forward and in Voyager’s Mess Hall. These are sometimes misattributed to Jan Ekselius, who designed very similar chairs.
Image source: startrekdesign
Hill House Chair designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
Charles Rennie Mackintosh was a Scottish architect and designer, whose Argyle Chair I’ve previously featured. His Hill House Chair was designed in 1902 as a furnishing accessory for the Hill House in Helensburgh, Scotland. Like the Argyle Chair, the Hill House Chair was used in the Enterprise episode, “Exile.” It was also used, more prominently and more often, in Babylon 5, as the seating for the council chamber.
Image source: startrekdesign
Tatlin Sofa designed by Marion Cananzi & Roberto Semprini for Edra.
The Tatlin Sofa was designed in the late 1980’s for Italian design firm, Edra. It’s name and distinctive spiral shape are referential to Tatlin’s Tower (sixth slide), the unbuilt monument to the 3rd International designed by the Russian artist, Vladimir Tatlin, following the Bolshevik Revolution. It seems ironic to be used to furnish the collection room of a private collector/hoarder of stolen artwork (and kidnapper of Data) in the TNG episode “The Most Toys.”
Image source: startrekdesign
Serpentine Sofa designed by Milo Baughman.
Baughman was a mid century furniture designer, whose serpentine sofa was produced in the 1970’s. If this is his design (which, based on all of the serpentine sofa’s I’ve found, and that TNG has used Baughman’s designs in the past, I believe it is), it was used in TNG to furnish Deanna Troi’s office.
Image source: startrekdesign
Chicago Amethyst Water Goblet by Sasaki.
Sasaki was a Japanese glassware manufacturer. Their Chicago water goblets were used in the DS9 episode, “Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places,” as glassware for Keiko and O’Brien’s quarters. The Chicago line is no longer in production.
Image source: startrekdesign
Turner Chair designed by Jack Crebolder for Harvink.
Jack Crebolder was a Dutch industrial designer, whose Turner Chair was designed in 1982. It was meant to be limited addition, and only 1000 original chairs were ever manufactured. The Turner Chair was used in a single episode of The Next Generation, “Haven.”
Image source: startrekdesign
Cocktail Shaker designed by Sylvia Stave.
Sylvia Stave was a Swedish designer, best known for her work in pewter, brass, and silver. This cocktail shaker was originally designed in 1937, and then reproduced in 1989 for Italian housewares company, Alessi. It was used in Star Trek TNG.
Image source: startrekdesign
E1027 Table designed by Eileen Gray.
Eileen Gray was an Irish architect, furniture designer, and pioneer of early modernism. Her E1027 Table, designed in 1927, is adjustable and was designed for use “over the knees” or as an occasional/side table. It was used in The Search for Spock, in the Starfleet Officer’s Lounge.
Image source: startrekdesign
Oktett Champagne Flutes by Bodum.
Bodum products were used often by Star Trek TNG set designers, the most famous example being Carsten Jorgensen’s Bistro “Picard Cup.” The Oktett champagne flutes were used most prominently in the episode “Haven,” but also appear in background of several shots throughout the series. I believe the flatware pictured is also Bodum.
Image source: startrekdesign
Teacup designed by George Sowden for Bodum.
George Sowden is an English industrial designer and one of the founders of the Memphis Group. These teacups were designed in 1987 for Bodum, and were used in the TNG episode, “Pen Pals.”
Image source: startrekdesign
Ekstrem Chair designed by Terje Ekstrøm for Stokke.
Terje Ekstrøm was a Norwegian industrial designer and pioneer of Norwegian postmodernism. His Ekstrem chair was designed in 1972 and manufactured in the 1980’s by Stokke. It was used in Star Trek Voyager on the Ocampa home world.
Image source: startrekdesign
Boby Cart designed by Joe Colombo.
Joe Colombo was an influential midcentury Italian industrial designer whose Boby Cart is essential to Star Trek medical design. They were used in The Final Frontier as a bridge prop, TNG Enterprise and alien Sick Bays, and DS9 Sick Bay. If anyone has a screenshot of it used on Voyager or Enterprise, please let me know. I haven’t noticed one, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was used.
Image source: startrekdesign
Gakko Slide Chair designed by Tayfur Ozkaynak for Soho Concept.
Tayfur Ozkaynak is a contemporary industrial designer, who’s designed several chairs for Soho Concept. The Gakko Slide chair was used as seating for Discovery’s mess hall.
Image source: startrekdesign
Exl Flatware designed by Robert Wilhite for Bissell & Wilhite.
Robert Wilhite is an American artist and industrial designer whose work explores geometric abstraction. This is apparent in his flatware designs. The Exl pattern features sharp, asymmetric shapes and angles that appear simultaneously severe and playful. This flatware set was used in seasons 6 and 7 of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Image source: startrekdesign
Tea Set designed by Yoshiharu Fuwa for Cook Vessel.
Yoshiharu Fuwa was a Japanese industrial designer. This aluminum tea set for Cook Vessel is one of his most recognizable works, and continues to be sought after by admirers of postmodern and Memphis-style design. It was used in The Next Generation episode, “The Drumhead,” as the tea service in Admiral Norah Satie’s quarters.
Image source: startrekdesign
KN1001 Side Table by Keiser-Newman.
Keiser-Newman was a American furniture manufacturer, founded in 1982, by Bruce Keiser and Don Newman. This side table, constructed from glass, aluminum, and Carrera marble, is evocative of a flying saucer. It remains Keiser-Newman’s most recognizable work. In what might be a Mandela effect of design history, this side table is more often found online as “Kaiser Newman,” and is often dated as having been produced in the 1990′s, despite first appearing in Star Trek in 1989. It was used in The Next Generation as set dressing for Riker’s quarters.
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