This Guy Knits Sweaters With The Scenes Of Places He Visits (30 Pics)

Published 5 years ago

When traveling, most of us usually just pack some clean underwear and an extra t-shirt or two but artist Samuel Barsky has decided to take it a step – or should we say a mile – further. The man hand knits intricate sweaters depicting the scenes of the places he visits and has been doing so for the past 20 years!

The man started knitting all the way back in 1999 after meeting the owners of a local yarn shop. The man asked them where he can learn to knit and the owners offered to teach Sam if he bought their yarn. “I agreed. It was a dream come true after years of signing up for knitting classes that would always get canceled due to low enrollment,” said the man in an interview with Bored Panda. So far Sam has knitted 140 sweaters featuring various nature scenes, landmarks, and holidays. Not only that, the artist says that each of the sweaters has an interesting story behind it.

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#1 Groundhog Day

Image source: Sam Barsky

#2 Portland Head Lighthouse

Image source: Sam Barsky

“Knitting (like I do) and travel go together very well. Since many of the sweaters I have knitted are of landmarks around the world, traveling gives me the opportunity to experience the very places I have depicted on my sweaters,” says the artist. “I also get a chance to teach my knitting skills to others, give speeches about it, and meet fans wherever I go. In addition, traveling enables me to see sites that give me inspiration for more sweater ideas.”

#3 Hollywood Sign

Image source: Sam Barsky

#4 Ice Skating

Image source: Sam Barsky

Sam says that the most challenging types of scenes to knit are urban scenes and bridges. “Some of the challenging ones I have done are Times Square, Las Vegas, and the Mackinac Bridge, which was my most recent,” said the man.

#5 Sedona

Image source: Sam Barsky

#6 Owls

Image source: Sam Barsky

“At first, I didn’t think anything of the idea of posing in front of the landmarks or objects they represent. But it seemed like the natural choice to wear them there,” said Sam. “Before long, I had 10-15 such pictures. I realized this was a form of art of its own and I started making a conscious effort to create more pictures like these.”

People love Sam’s colorful sweaters with over 50k people having liked his Facebook page and another 41k following his Instagram account. See his colorful sweaters in the gallery below and don’t forget to check out our previous post here!

#7 M&t Bank Stadium – Current Temporary Picture Is At High School Football Field

Image source: Sam Barsky

#8 Leaning Tower Of Pisa

Image source: Sam Barsky

#9 Hanukkah III

Image source: Sam Barsky

#10 The Gateway Arch

Image source: Sam Barsky

#11 Carnegie Hall

Image source: Sam Barsky

#12 Cape May Lighthouse

Image source: Sam Barsky

#13 Las Vegas Strip

Image source: Sam Barsky

#14 Colonial Williamsburg

Image source: Sam Barsky

#15 Mt. Washington

Image source: Sam Barsky

#16 Birthday Cake

Image source: Sam Barsky

#17 Passover III

Image source: Sam Barsky

#18 Sherwood Gardens

Image source: Sam Barsky

#19 Red Rock Canyon

Image source: Sam Barsky

#20 Grand Canyon

Image source: Sam Barsky

#21 Chautauqua Park, Boulder

Image source: Sam Barsky

#22 Cape May

Image source: Sam Barsky

#23 London Bridge Arizona

Image source: Sam Barsky

#24 Rocky Mountain National Park

Image source: Sam Barsky

#25 Hoover Dam

Image source: Sam Barsky

#26 Natural Bridge

Image source: Sam Barsky

#27 Reptiles

Image source: Sam Barsky

#28 Boulder Creek

Image source: Sam Barsky

#29 Boulder Central Library

Image source: Sam Barsky

#30 Pittsburgh

Image source: Sam Barsky

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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art, Attractions, crafts, knitting, matching, Places, samuel barsky, sweaters