Labyrinth – A landscape element or the beggining of a horror story

Published 9 years ago

I have always wanted to have a labyrinth in the backyard. I now have a little bit of space, so I decided to turn a dream into reality. Number one problem now is to choose the right plant for growing my majestic labyrinth and turn it into a confusing maze (joke, I don’t have the needed castle) The landscape designers motivated me even more when they said that it is possible to leave a bit of space in the center of the maze for a bench or a water feature. I personally don’t have the much need “gold” for a cool water feature, but a bench is a possible DIY project from pallets. I have started research on which would be the best choice. You can find a variety of plants in this on-line shop. In this line of thoughts however I have searched for some motivation. And I have chosen a couple of worldwide masterpieces of labyrinths. Glaze the horror and beauty those milestones of landscaping carry in them. I hope all that hype does not turn into blow off steam, and my effort to make a dream come true turn into a horror story.

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Dole Plantation Maze

Dole Plantation Maze

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Named the largest maze in the word in 2008 !

The Mason Labyrinth

The Mason Labyrinth

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In the center we see a plaza, used for huge events. As you can see from the picture there is a huge pyramid in the structure. Not a surprise, considering this is the so called “Mason Labyrinth”. Don’t want to get lost there! The walls are actually bamboo, which is a great solution, way better than a brush. It is taller and more durable.

The Labyrinth of Love

The Labyrinth of Love

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Part of the garden of “Villa Pisani”. Those gardens were named the most beautiful park in 2008. The maze is one of the biggest in Europe.

Andrassy Castle Maze

Andrassy Castle Maze

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This hedge maze in Andrassy Castle is proclaimed one of the most beautiful in Europe. The spiral shapes of the hedges make it an extra hard task to get out.

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dream, garden, horror, labyrinth, landscape