This Guy Spends 365 Days Following This Tiny LEGOgrapher Travelling The World

Published 10 years ago

This little Lego man, dubbed the Legographer, has spent a year travelling around Britain and shooting photos. Unfortunately, the pictures he took were fictional, but his big brother, human photographer Andrew Whyte, followed the little plastic guy around and documented his endeavour on an iPhone 4S. The 365 shots were included in his fun and whimsical “The Legographer” series.

Whyte had to struggle with low-light challenges, capturing the Lego man from only 2″ off the ground, and the drastic changes in weather over the year. “For a year, the minifigure was like my own model whom I could pose and compose – something that’s seldom needed in my real work,” Whyte told Petapixel. “So despite occasional frustrations, honestly I had so much fun and I continued to learn a lot about photography throughout.

Source: (via: petapixel)

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Andrew Whyte, creative photography, full-post, iPhone photography, Leg O'Grapher, lego, lego figurines, lego game, lego man, lego photography, legographer, legography, macro photography, mini figurines, miniature photography, The Legographer