35 Nostalgic Memes Shared By The ‘Flashback 90’s’ Instagram Page
In the fast-paced digital age, where trends come and go at the speed of a click, there is a timeless charm in reminiscing about the past. The visual journey down memory lane has found a home on Instagram, where accounts like ‘Flashback 90’s‘ have become virtual time capsules, transporting followers to an era defined by iconic items and phenomena.
Check out some of their most nostalgic posts in the gallery below.
Image source: officialflashback90s
Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa) : “RIP”
Image source: officialflashback90s, yrotftw
Rebelliousslug : “This bothered me a lot longer than I care to admit”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Little Wonder : “I’m DOS old, so yes. Yes I am old enough to remember windows 98.”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Charl Marx : “I’m so old that I remember being very excited because my new phone had polyphonic ringtones! My first camera phone had a detachable camera. It was VGA quality and I walked round pretending that the pathetic grainy photos I took of my friends were the best thing ever.”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa) : “Still the worst Batman movie ever.”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Chintan Shah : “Me in my 30s without any reason… I hope I never stop being a kid :D”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Xenon : “Howdy neighbor.”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Richard Ross : “But they smelled lovely 😂”
Image source: officialflashback90s
DennyS (denzoren) : “I always liked the way Mojo Jojo introduced himself lol”
Image source: officialflashback90s
James016 : “Cheese graters made such great nightclub scenes”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Chintan Shah : “This accurately predicts where we are headed as a society”
Image source: officialflashback90s
giku T : “and it is still working with %70 charge remaining i bet!”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Annabel Wood : “i felt like a king. do not underestimate the powers of the all mighty plastic chairs.”
Image source: officialflashback90s
BrownTabby : “The one occasion on which I am a hollaback girl”
Chintan Shah : “I wonder how he’d feel about a hollaback boi”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa) : “It was real and there was a contest to own that house. It was a huge thing back then. The inside was completely styled and furnished like the cartoon show.”
GrowingThruConcrete : “Forget the house, just get me a set of Marges fabulous corn cob kitchen curtains”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Corvus : “My grandma and grandpa have one. Still in use :P”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Bear Hall : “I’m “put the tape recorder on piled up furniture in front of the TV to record songs at midnight” old.”
Robert T : “I’m old enough to have done the latter, but it was only last year that I burnt some MP3s onto a CD so I could have some music in what is now my gf’s car. Car was built 2013, and has the original stereo, which has no USB input, or bluetooth, only the ability to play MP3 s (no other formats) from a CD!”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Iris Engler : “I wanna have back the prices from the 90ies back in general. Rent, insurances, taxes and the list goes on.”
marianne eliza : “When I first moved out, I evaluated how well I did grocery shopping by the cost divided by the number of bags of groceries. $10/sack was the norm back them. 1980.”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Hume : “I agree. It was the dawn of a new era. Away with the old dictators and wars, it’s time for the new generation. Ya and then 911 happened and here we are today seemingly on the brink of a World War and we even repeated a global pandemic, while our generation is not in charge of anything anyway.”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Tee Rat : “Didn’t they have a hit in the 70’s? “Crikey little clouds in your neighborhood””
Image source: officialflashback90s
Kel_how : “Okay, but that’s the most accurate thing I’ve ever seen”
Just-A-Black-Cat : “I’m dying of laughter over this. 10/10 CORRECT”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Christian Fuller : “But without the mishandling of toxic chemicals, we wouldn’t have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.”
Lotekguy : “The frequency of escapes from Arkham, and the chaos resulting from each, makes the most compelling argument for capital punishment.”
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s, jamisonsayss
Image source: officialflashback90s
Image source: officialflashback90s
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