20 Staircase Photos That Require Users To Proceed With Caution

Published 1 year ago

There’s a TikTok trend of climbing this crazy tower station on a hilltop built by a long-dead King in a far-off little island village called Ambuluwawa. It has an ad-hocly built staircase, and sometimes there’s only space enough for one thin foot to be placed at a time on the climb up. It seems crazy but hordes flock to it, meaning passing each other is an acrobatic feat in itself. 

But while, that is a tourist attraction for the views, sometimes in life you come across staircases in ordinary settings that absolutely boggle the mind. What were the architects behind these designs thinking? Found on a Facebook page by the hilarious moniker, stairs deSigned by people who are not afraid to die, these deadly-looking masterpieces certainly require some daring nerve to give it a try. 

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#1 When The House Lights Go Down, Good Luck

Image source: Arlo Dykstra

#2 A Set Of Steep Stairs Each Step Alternates So That You Can Only Really Put One Foot On A Step At A Time. It’s Also Nearly A Straight Down Angle

Image source: Martin Ellis Everett

#3 Do They Know That Wheelchair Users Don’t Normally Bunny Hop?

Image source: David Harvey

#4 I Wanna See Someone Try This In Heels

Image source: Maria Lewandowska

#5 The Staircase You Take An Enemy Down

Image source: Greta Peterson

#6 Oh No, I’ll Jump, Thanks

Image source: Bec Collier

#7 Left, Picture Of Stairs From Top-The Wood Planks Run Parallel To Stair Edges Seemingly Forming A Flat Surface. Right, Steps Viewed From Bottom After Fall

Image source: Stanna Sims Edwards

#8 When You Don’t Have Enough Space For Stairs! Brilliant Child-Friendly Space With An Observatory Tower Incorporated By Arch. Hiroshi Okamoto

Image source: Kahli-Ann Douglas

#9 Sthairs

Image source: Madison Elaine Kruse

#10 An Unusual Cuboidal Stairway In The Little Village San Augustin Etla, Oaxaca, Mexico (Vernacular Architecture) They Are Made Out Of Red Stone And In Six Alternating Columns. The Ankle Twister

Image source: Nanners Foster

#11 The ‘Stairs Of Death’ Are A Section Of Stone Steps Built By The Incas, Which Lead To The Top Of Huayna Picchu, In Peru, Which Is One Of The Steep Mountains That Overlooks Machu Picchu

Image source: SuperSoul Ever

The peak of the mountain is 2,693 metres above sea level and has Inca ruins on top.
You couldn’t pay me a billion dollars to walk up that

#12 Yeah, That Is A One-Story Home For Me

Image source: Brad Blackwell

#13 My Shins Hurt Looking At This

Image source: Ria Josephine

#14 Honey What’s Wrong, You Haven’t Gone Down The Stairerslide Today

Image source: Victor Merriam

#15 I Just Fell Down These In My Mind And It Sounded Like Someone Hitting A Gong In A Very Uncoordinated Way

Image source: Victor Merriam

#16 This Made My Stomach Swoop

Image source: Adrianne Robbennolt

#17 “Stairs” Designed By Francesco Librizzi. It’s Really More Of A Treacherous Ladder. I’d Consider Going Up These. Would Not Be Interested In Going Down Them

Image source: Eve Bensky

#18 I Can Already Feel The Concussion

Image source: Greta Peterson

#19 Stairs For People Who Aren’t Afraid To Die And Who Enjoy The Nauseating Feeling Of Vertigo

Image source: Devin McLachlan

#20 Love My New Apartment But These Are The Stairs Leading Up To The Loft. They Feel More Like A Ladder Because Of How Steep They Are. Don’t Get Me Started On How We’re Going To Move Furniture Up There

Image source: Beth Carmen

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



bad stair designs, badly designed staircase, fails, funny, staircase fails, stairs