This Comic Brilliantly Explains The Struggle Of Living With Depression And Anxiety
It is hard to understand mental disorders, which is extremely unpleasant for people suffering from anxiety and depression. Nick Seluk, comic book artist, teamed up with Sarah Flanigan, who told her story of her fight against this disabling tag-team. The disorders make you worry and sap all of your motivation and energy away, but they ebb and flow, and that’s one of the hardest things to explain.
“As someone who’s experienced and has been around anxiety and depression, it was easy to illustrate in a way that complemented the storyteller,” Seluk told Bored Panda. “Sometimes those who haven’t experienced the extremes don’t understand what it’s like, almost to the point of resenting it.” Nick Seluk is the author of Awkward Yeti webcomic, and Flanigan’s story appeared in his series “Medical Stories Retold”.
More info: taptastic.com | theawkwardyeti.com | twitter | facebook (h/t: boredpanda)
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