Minimalist Maps on Apparel

Published 8 years ago

I love maps (doesn’t everyone?) and I’m obsessed with urbanism. It bothers me that, as with architecture, you can’t really experience the whole of a city at the same time and there are limited observation tools available. In response, I simply decided to make city maps and put them on fabric, where I can play with them.

I kept it simple. Black stripes make the streets and blocks I took from (a lot of) open source data end up making sober maps of over 100 cities across the globe.

From flashy Paris and massive LA to concentric Moscow and orthogonal Riyadh, including my sprawling hometown of Lima, I’ve mapped ad nauseam and plan on keep adding cities.

Since I also happen to be a broke architecture student, I decided to turn my project into a business, so you can actually wear the maps. You can find them at Open City Apparel.

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#design, apparel, architecture, cartography, city planning, graphic, maps, open source, tshirts, urbanism