20 Photos Of Male Couples From The 1850s-1950s That You Won’t See In History Books

Published 4 years ago

Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s is a book recently released by authors Hugh Nini and Neal Treadwell, that contains photos of male couples taken between the mid-19th century and mid-20th century. The two authors spent 25 years collecting material for the book all over the world – this included browsing flea markets, family archives, auctions, and even shoeboxes full of old photos. During that time, Hugh and Neal collected over 2,700 photographs, a lot of which ended up being featured in their book.

In a recent interview with Bored Panda, the authors said that at first, they didn’t think anyone would find their project interesting. However, they soon realized that wasn’t the case. “On one occasion, while purchasing a photo in person from a seller, we happened to have two of our albums containing about 400 photos,” said the authors. “After the transaction was complete, we asked the seller if he would like to see how we had been mounting our photos into albums. He replied, yes. He went through both albums without a word. When he got to the last page of the second album, he closed it quietly and then said, ‘You have to publish these.’”

Hugh and Neal classified the photos into quite a few categories, with boyfriends on bicycles, boyfriends in boats, boyfriends on cars, boyfriends on a paper moon, boyfriends in trees, and beach boyfriends being just a few. They also added that it wasn’t easy to determine whether the people in the photos were romantically involved but they managed to come up with something they call ‘the 50/50 rule’, where they believe that there’s a 50% chance that the men in the photo could be in a relationship. “There are few 50/50 images in our collection and none in our book. What determines whether or not we’ll acquire a photo can sometimes be an embrace that leaves no doubt that the relationship exceeds friendship or fondness. When possible, though, there is one sure way to determine if a photo is ‘loving,'” explained the authors.

The authors also add that the main message of their book is embedded in its title. “There is not ‘gay’ love, or ‘straight’ love. There is only ‘love.’ And because this romantic love is experienced by all humans the same way, everyone connects with LOVING,” said Hugh and Neal. “Our collection says this: ‘Love does not have a sexual orientation. It is universally the same for all.'”

See the beautiful vintage photos of male couples in love in the gallery below!

More info: Instagram | Loving1000.org

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#1 Photo Strip: Circa 1900, Provenance: Us

Image source: loving1000

#2 1945, Photo Taken In Austria

Image source: loving1000

“‘In 1945, these two soldiers had hiked up into the Austrian Alps and a friend took their picture as they embraced in the snow. One soldier kept these snapshots hidden in a shoebox until the early 1990s when he handed them to a relative, along with the ring that he was wearing in the Alps photo, with the request: “Please keep these safe for me.” According to the relative, the soldier, nearing the end of his life, wanted to preserve the one thing that meant more to him than anything else. He passed away two years later.’”

#3 Photograph: Undated

Image source: loving1000

#4 Photograph: Undated

Image source: loving1000

#5 Photograph: Undated

Image source: loving1000

#6 Postcard: Circa 1900, Provenance: Us

Image source: loving1000

“Here are two well-dressed young men sharing an umbrella. One is placing a wedding ring on the other’s finger.”

#7 Photobooth: Undated, Provenance: Us

Image source: loving1000

#8 Note On Back: “1951” “Davis & Jc”

Image source: loving1000

#9 Photograph: Undated

Image source: loving1000

#10 Photograph: Undated

Image source: loving1000

#11 Photograph: Undated

Image source: loving1000

#12 Photograph: Undated

Image source: loving1000

#13 Circa 1900, Note On Back: “In The Mirror.”

Image source: loving1000

“This couple placed a camera on a dresser in front of a mirror and photographed their reflection. This image could be the first ‘selfie’ of a romantic male couple.”

#14 A Photographic History Of Men In Love 1850s–1950s

Image source: loving1000

#15 Photograph: Undated

Image source: loving1000

#16 Tintype: Undated, Provenance: Us

Image source: loving1000

#17 Undated, Provenance: Us. Note On Back: “Rubenstein And Whiskers, Ahk”

Image source: loving1000

#18 Postcard: Circa 1900, Provenance: Us

Image source: loving1000

#19 Photograph: Undated

Image source: loving1000

#20 Cabinet Card: Circa 1880. Provenance: Us. Note On Back: “Mcinturff, Steve Book, Delaware O.”

Image source: loving1000

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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love, male couples, old photos