20 Pics Proving That Passengers From Hell Exist, As Shared On This Insta Account

Published 2 years ago

I’m sure most of us hate getting to the airport 3 hours ahead of the flight and standing in the long queue at the check-in desk and then the security post. After all that hassle, the most relaxing part is being able to finally sit down at your designated seat (even better, if it’s a window seat), and let the cabin crew do the rest.

Well, sometimes scarce leg space becomes the least of your issues during a flight. Ex-flight attendant Shawn Kathleen has created a project named Passenger Shaming, dedicated to sharing bizarre situations that occur while traveling.

The project is now spanning multiple media platforms and posts content that goes way beyond crying children. Imagine some awfully smelling liquid dripping down on you from an overhead bin or seeing someone dry their sweaty socks using the air vent. Yeah.

More info: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | passengershaming.store

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Image source: passengershaming

Really hope this is for TikTok.


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming

Well, this is one way to teach him a lesson.


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming

Nothing to see here: Just a passenger hand feeding her cat in a seat while it watches TV. On a plane.


Image source: passengershaming

Don’t think that foot needs any more liquids, seem a little over-hydrated already.


Image source: amymarieberger


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming

Way too many questions on this one.


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming

Not too much, not too little. Just two trays of seafood to snack on mid-flight.


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming

*DING* Can I get some peanuts in 23A, please?


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming


Image source: passengershaming

Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

Got wisdom to pour?



Passenger Shaming, passengers from hell, Rude passengers, rude travelers, travel problems, worst travel experience, worst travelers