Photography embraces natural afro hair | 10 empowering black&whites

Published 8 years ago

Natural hair – not trendy???

Unfortunately, a commonly glamorized image of perfect hair never includes natural, crazy, but so vibrant afro.

Not being confident about the structure of their natural hair, black women with beautiful afro curls tend to hide them behind sew-in weaves or break its structure using harsh chemicals in order to meet beauty standards, imposed by the fashion and media world and be able to recreate ‘popular’ hairdos.

And there would be nothing wrong with the desire to follow hair trends if those trends weren’t directed towards the certain hair type and managed to include the variety of options for different people.

Instead of encouraging versatility and diversity of people’s looks, beliefs and views, the beauty world is pushing everyone towards one universal body, hair, and God knows what else image, erasing the true, natural beauty and devalues human uniqueness.

Commonly idolized long straight and sleek hair or perfect Hollywood chic curls and various hairstyles based on those, constitute what everyone seems to call ‘good hair’.

And even when there’re so many professional hair stylists, who do wonders at helping people to tame their natural African American hair and make it look stunning as it is, the entire industry of sew-ins, hair relaxing and straitening products is built on making people with tight, natural curls feel like the hair they were born with isn’t worth cherishing.

In addition to that, natural hair insecurities have even deeper social roots I have no desire to dig into. Just a few decades ago, natural black curls weren’t something to be proud of.

That’s exactly why the time has come when we embrace our natural hair and make it just as cool as Victora’s Secret models’ beach waves.

These quite simple, yet elegant and touching black&white photographs prove the beauty of natural afro hair. I just wish that there was a lot more of them displayed on the front pages of modern magazine covers to help more and more people fall in love with their wild curls.

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Young black woman with afro hair style

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Picture source: petronella photography

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Picture source: kinksarethenewpink

Meanwhile, one of the top things people who’d like to go back to their natural hair worry about is the time they’ll have to spend on taming it and the damage they may cause by excessive brushing.

They’re also concerned with the limited (as they think) number of hairstyles they’ll be able to rock while sticking to being all natural.

However, just as people with naturally straight hair, you just need to educate yourself about the right products to use on your hair, learn a couple of tips and tricks to make the maintenance process a lot easier and find an experienced hair stylist who’d braid your hair and teach you how to style it.

Find your pro at, don’t be afraid to experiment, and you’ll be surprised at the number of hairstyles (including French braids, curls, updos, etc.) one may recreate when having natural afro hair (long or short) and how stunning they look.

Got wisdom to pour?



african-american hair, afro, afro hair, Black Women, black&white, curly hair, embrace, natural hair, photodraphy