Photographer Puts Everyday Objects In Unusual Places, And It Looks Weirdly Satisfying

Published 6 years ago

Mauricio Alejo is a New York-based artist who creates incredibly pleasant and eye-catching photography. According to Mauricio himself, he takes familiar objects that have their place in our surroundings and brings them to a new narrative which doesn’t obey their functionality. “It mostly obeys to a specific intuition I have about space, time, materiality, displacement or physical force. Most of my pieces come from thoughts that are not yet formed as an idea. The results, devoid of explicit meaning or metaphor, point in every direction.” Scroll down to see unique Alejo’s work below.

You can find more about Mauricio Alejo’s work on his personal website.

(h/t Ufunk)

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Mauricio Alejo, objects, photography, Places, unordinary, weird