20 Times People Used Their Creativity And Humor To Win A Photoshop Battle
Photoshop has become a popular way of beautifying pics and creating memes. Some people have mastered the skill so well that they participate in photoshop battles online. Yes, these battles exist! And they are quite fun!
Turns out, there is even a Reddit community with 17.8 million members dedicated to ‘Photoshop Battles‘. The online community offers a platform for people with photoshop skills to show off their creativity. As they describe in their about section, it is “a place to battle using image manipulation software, play photoshop tennis, create new images from old photos, or even win Reddit gold.” Check out some of their best entries in the gallery below.
More info: Reddit
#1 Dog Standing On The 102nd Floor Of The Empire State Building
Image source: idea4granted
#2 This Starfish At An Aquarium
Image source: BayArea1227
#3 This Green Pepper
Image source: Claustrophob
#4 Chinchilla On My Mind
Image source: Pragalbhv
#5 Chinese Porcelain Makeup
Image source: PeanutSte
#6 Dog On A Windy Day In Ireland
Image source: SchrodingersNutsack
#7 Sculpture In Ireland
Image source: CharlieAndArtemis
#8 This White House Chef
Image source: vijju007
#9 Trump Peeking
Image source: jebbaok
#10 This Dog Dressed Up As Pennywise
Image source: JusticeBonerOfTyr
#11 Bride Standing In The Ocean
Image source: SchrodingersNutsack
#12 Eagle Wrapped In A Towel
Image source: PeanutSte
#13 This Jogger Interrupting An Engagement
Image source: BayArea1227
#14 This Cat In A Cone
Image source: pangolin_nipsl1p
#15 Dog Wearing Plastic Bags To Go Pee In The Rain
Image source: u/skidmcboney
#16 This Dog Wearing A Box Helmet
Image source: Idk-I-Just-Do-Stuff
#17 This Happy Corgy Walking On A Train Track
Image source: jebbaok
#18 Black Cat In Darkness
Image source: AWU_Hades
#19 Cross-Armed Squirrel
Image source: Planejet42
#20 Man Flipping Rice
Image source: SpaghettiEddies
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