Layers Of Intricate Shapes And Pulsating Lights Are Leaving People Mesmerized In Claudia Bueno’s Latest Light Installation

Published 4 years ago

Claudia Bueno is Venezuelan artist who creates impressive installations using light, sculpture, and sound. In one of her latest projects, the artist created a permanent installation called Pulse for Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart, and I don’t doubt that all of the intricate shapes and pulsating lights will leave the visitors absolutely mesmerized.

In an interview with DeMilked, Claudia said that for her, Pulse has been a practice of perseverance and dedication. The project took the artist three years from idea to completion, going through stages of designing, planning, building, and installing. “The most demanding part was the hands-on painting of the art which took almost 8 months to be completed. Everyday, all day long, my team and I would meticulously paint detailed and intricate little patterns,” explained Claudia.

More info: Claudia Bueno | Instagram

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Artist Claudia Bueno recently revealed her latest project called Pulse

“The process required sharp focus and lots of patience and it was very rewarding to see the shapes grow as we built up the layers,” said Claudia. “This piece comes to life and gains movement with a custom designed system of lights and sound which also involved long collaborations with two artists specialized in these areas. It is magical to see it all come together now in Meow Wolf Vegas and realize that everything we planned for is working beautifully.”

Pulse will be a permanent installation in Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart based in Las Vegas

When asked how she developed her unique style, Claudia said that he has been combining tools from her background in painting, set design and animation since art school, and has been developing systems that fill her art with a sense of being alive. “Using motors, wind, tracks, and numerous light systems I create pieces that move, change and pulsate,” explained the artist. “This particular technique used in “Pulse” is one I have been refining for over 6 years. It is a successful discovery that came out of a long process of experimentation in the studio.”

The project took the artist three years to complete from the idea to the final product

Claudia says she feels like she has been creating art installations he whole life. “Born from an artist mother, art is all I ever did and wanted to do. Growing up in her studio imagination had no limits and we were endlessly creating our own toys, puppets, masks, clothing and anything we could imagine,” explained the artist. “This is where I became a multimedia artist who was encouraged to dream big ideas and build them.”

Claudia has been creating light installations professionally for almost 20 years, and says she has been evolving from each project, integrating many different materials and techniques. “Envisioning and materializing large scale immersive experiences is what I enjoy the most in Life,” says the artist.

Here are some more pictures of the mesmerizing installation

And if you want to see the installation in motion, see the video below!

Aušrys Uptas

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art, Claudia Bueno, installation, Las Vegas, Meow Wolf, Pulse