Nature From the Inside Out: Dreamy X-Ray Images Of Nature by Arie Van`t Riet

Published 11 years ago

Holland-based radiation physicist Arie van`t Riet turned the traditional way of using x-ray imagery on its head. He accidentally became an artist by using x-ray imagery to capture natural life-processes.

As the story goes, a friend of Riet once asked him to take an x-ray image of his painting. They were both stunned by the result, so the physicist started to contemplate other creative applications for the technique. Then he turned his attention to nature.

Flora and fauna fascinates Riet, as even the most common specimens can become somewhat otherworldly under the x-ray. The images, to which the artist digitally adds light colours, look like delicate ink pictures on silk paper. Be sure to listen to the delightful speech that Arie van‘t Riet gave on the subject at the TEDx event.

Source: (via: mymodernmet)

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arie van't riet, art, art and science, creative photography, delicate photography, nature from the inside out, nature photography, radiation physicist, science, x-ray, x-ray art, x-ray imagery, x-ray imaging, x-ray nature, x-ray photography