Artist Collects Sea Glass To Create Relaxing Wall Sculptures
What comes out of the seas and can be used in art, guilt-free? Seaglass! And Jonathan Fuller is doing his best to turn those shards into works of art. Sea glass has a generally appealing appearance, having been transformed into smooth, matte pieces by the forces of the oceans.
By trade, Jonathan Fuller was a textile designer. But in 2005, he returned to Cornwall (England) to raise his family. Fuller loves the Cornish coastline – it is quite long – where he collects the glass for his works.
“It’s a very addictive hobby that requires patience and a good eye,” Fuller told My Modern Met. “I feel by collecting sea glass I am making use and recycling these discarded jewels. Some days I can walk miles and find nothing and on other days handfuls, you just never know what you’re going to find.”
More info: johnathanfuler.co.uk | twitter (h/t: mymodernmet)
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