Artist Creates Stunning Animal Sculptures Made Out Of Scrap Metals (20 Pics)

Published 11 months ago

Brian Mock, an artist from Oregon, makes impressive sculptures from discarded metal pieces. He collects things like screws and bolts, and then puts them together to create animals like bears, dogs, and cats. What’s really cool is that you can see all the pieces he used, even in the finished sculptures. This makes his art unique and fascinating. He’s known for making lifelike sculptures of dogs in different poses, showing his understanding of their behavior. He even tackled a big project making a 6-foot lion. Brian’s blend of unusual materials and careful attention to detail makes his sculptures really stand out. You can see his work on Instagram where he shares his latest creations.

When asked about the inspiration behind his unique art form, he explained that his natural resourcefulness led him to reclaimed materials. He mentioned, “I used to save paper scraps to make drawing pads, broken fence boards to make birdhouses, so the metalwork evolved from that.” This inclination towards recycling and repurposing materials influenced him to create striking sculptures from discarded metal parts.

More info: Website | Instagram

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Image source: Brian Mock


Image source: Brian Mock


Image source: Brian Mock


Image source: Brian Mock


Image source: Brian Mock


Image source: Brian Mock


Image source: Brian Mock


Image source: Brian Mock


Image source: Brian Mock


Image source: Brian Mock

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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art, artist, beautiful sculptures, Brian Mock, scrap metal, Sculptures