20 Times This Artist Illustrated Honest Description Of Life Of Independent Modern Women

Published 2 years ago

Times have changed- women have all the freedom and liberty to do things their own way these days. However, society still puts a lot of pressure on women even now. Whether it’s the abortion debate or dating rules, there are many problems that modern independent women face.

An artist named Lainey Molnar illustrates those struggles and shows us how and why our society needs to improve more. Her colorful and vivid illustrations give out messages to empower women and boost their mental health. Check out some of her best works in the gallery below.

More info: Instagram

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Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar


Image source: lainey.molnar

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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comics, comics about women, comics with social message, independent women comics, Lainey Molnar, modern woman comics, societal pressure