Guy Who Realizes His Tinder Date Is Using Him To Get A Free Meal Gets Brilliant Revenge

Published 7 years ago

We all know first dates can be quite disastrous. Sometimes the spark just isn’t there, there’s nothing to talk about, and neither of the participants is really feeling it no matter how hard they try. But what if one of the two isn’t trying at all? What if they’re behaving in such a way that only raise red flags in the other person’s head?

Imgur user minilogo37 recently got into a pickle like that when his tinder date, who before meeting up seemed “super cool” to him, turned out to be a little less cool than he expected. Actually, he felt like he was being tricked by the pretty date enjoying a fancy meal in front of him.

The guy was thinking on his feet and made a bold move, even though later he admitted regretting it. Read his story below and let us know in the comments what do you think is the best way to handle a situation like this.


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Commenters were quick to applaud his actions

But some had other ideas

What is your take on the situation?


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check, Dating, dating norms, dinner date, split the check, Tinder