10 Side-By-Side Pics Taken Moments Apart Show How Different The Same Body Can Look In Photos
Have you ever wondered why people look so flawless in Instagram photos? Many of us are now aware of the reality behind those ‘perfect’ Instagram photos. To achieve those photos, the influencers try different poses, illusion clothes, and lots of photoshop work.
This desire for perfection leads to mental health disorders in many people as they compare their real selves to the fake photos on Instagram. A blogger named Georgie Clarke used the Instagram platform to remind her 690K followers that social media photos are not as real as they think. Check out some of her side-by-side pics depicting the reality behind Instagram photos in the gallery below.
More info: Instagram
Image credits: georgie.clarke
Image credits: georgie.clarke
Image credits: georgie.clarke
Image credits: georgie.clarke
Image credits: georgie.clarke
Image credits: georgie.clarke
Image credits: georgie.clarke
Image credits: georgie.clarke
Image credits: georgie.clarke
Image credits: georgie.clarke
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