30 People Shared Pics Of Themselves Having A Terrible Day To Get Some Sympathy Online

Published 2 years ago

All of us go through some bad days when everything feels chaotic and annoying. We can’t really control the outside circumstances occurring around us but we can definitely control how we choose to respond to those circumstances.

Some people get angry or stressed when things don’t go their way, while others just laugh at their own misery or try to get sympathy from others by sharing their disappointment online. We have collected some of the worst fails shared by people online, scroll below to read them.

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#1 Doing My Will. Needed Some Info From My Brother. Messaged Him To Ask His Address And Job Title. Failed To Remember Today Was His Birthday

Image source: jessbowie

#2 My Dog Had A 5k Surgery After Eating A Rock. I Decided To Display It Accordingly

Image source: spirurulina

#3 What If I Decide To Let My White Dog Out After I Mow My Lawn?

Image source: sunshinyanny

#4 He Wanted To See What Was In That Hole. Guess What It Was

Image source: AcidicKite

#5 Aaaaaaaaaa

Image source: ThisDudeHasTheLooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongestUsername

#6 Cat Didn’t Eat For 3 Days, Went To The Vet Where They Did An Ultrasound Only To Find A Belly Full Of The Neighbor’s Cat’s Food

Image source: Mysticstorms

#7 So My Friend Emailed Her Professor Today And This Happened

Image source: Dua_Flip

#8 Went To A New Barber. Asked For My Part To Be Cut In. She Mowed A 1/2” Stripe Out Of My Head

Image source: Seandouglasmcardle

#9 Came Home For A Week To Help My Parents Out With Some Yard Work. Turns Out, I Don’t Know What Poison Ivy Looks Like

Image source: BEARDBAR

#10 So Costco Apparently Doesn’t Re-Take Membership Card Photos If You Sneeze

Image source: BabyJesusAnalingus

#11 Doesn’t Fit

Image source: vanilla_lychee

#12 Don’t Want To Lose That Bikini Top

Image source: youneverknowwhatyouregoingtoget

#13 Just Had Satan’s Moustache Crawl Across My Face When I Was Trying To Go To Sleep. My Skin Is Crawling

Image source: Meowlik

#14 My Neighbor “Allegedly” Refused To Pay The Guy Who Cleared His Back Yard. He’ll Be Coming Home To This Gift Left In His Driveway

Image source: CalbertCorpse

#15 New Hobby = New Broken Bones. 30 Seconds After Putting On Roller Blades Resulted In 2 Broken Wrists

Image source: TamingFire

#16 I Guess They Won’t Be Driving Anywhere Anytime Soon, Seen Outside My Son’s Flat

Image source: scorchednickel

#17 Anybody Know What It Means When This Light Comes On?

Image source: ChiefNitro

#18 Got A Measuring Tape Without Measurements

Image source: Qazpaz_G

#19 So I Ordered McDonald’s Via Doordash And Found This In The Bag. Not Only Did The Doordash Driver Get My Order Wrong, But I Think He Messed Up Some Poor Dude’s Plans

Image source: Xagreuss

#20 Went To A Concert Last Night. This Was My View For 3.5 Hours

Image source: gippersmom

#21 First Overseas Flight In 9 Years! Paid Extra For A Window Seat So I Can See Everything

Image source: AWildAnonHasAppeared

#22 Waited All Summer To Cut Open This Watermelon I Grew In My Yard

Image source: aweinschenker

#23 My Dad Says “Google Is Doing This Stupid Thing Where It Blurs The Top Left Part Of The Results. Facebook Is Doing It Too Actually.” He Melted The Top Left Corner Of His Screen

Image source: unidentifies

#24 I Found My Lunch (In A Tote On My Desk), From Two Years Ago. I Didn’t Open It For Fear That It Could Trigger Another Pandemic

Image source: xaxwyf

#25 My Friend Just Broke My Several Million Years Old Piece Of Amber That I Got While I Was Living In Australia

Image source: The-Communist-Cat

#26 This Is Fine

Image source: WhileFalseRepeat

#27 Got Home From Work, Ready To Have Some Blueberries And Wine. And Then The Bag Broke

Image source: thePonks

#28 My Daughter Might Be A Bit Accident-Prone

Image source: poopsmitherson

#29 The Roof In My Apartment Collapsed Due To Rain, But The Latex Paint Caught The Drywall

Image source: CadeVision

#30 There Was An Attempt To Shoot Some Sweet Archery Video

Image source: TheTim

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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bad day, fails, people having bad day, terrible day, unfortunate fails