Waste Management Projects For Your Kids

Published 8 years ago

Teaching your kids the importance of waste management is a fundamental knowledge that will help them live a better and happier life as they will avoid plenty of issues such as having a contaminated home, exposing themselves to hazardous waste and will learn them the basics of rubbish removal which they will certainly use when grow older.

Several crucial activities have to be performed in order to guarantee that your kids will learn the essence of waste management. That is the 3 R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle and the best way to introduce them in this artistic activity is to work with them on it. Here are several projects that will benefit your household, will be extremely educational for your kids and will serve as a quality techniques for further ideas of waste management for kids.

Toss all plastic, aluminum and paper waste into the trash bin together with your kids. Show them how to separate the different types of waste.

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Paper Boat

Paper Boat

A paper boat will handle the little ones when they get out of control. Once they hop inside, they won’t leave for hours, leaving you unworried about them, giving you the option to pay more attention to the kitchen.

Paper bag astronaut helmet

Paper bag astronaut helmet

Reuse paper bags and turn them into an astronaut helmet for the young members of your family. They will enjoy it and it will surely boost their imagination.

Toss all plastic, aluminum and paper waste into the trash bin together with your kids. Show them how to separate the different types of waste.

Stop Tap Water

Stop Tap Water

Turn off the tap water and lights when there is no on using them. Explain your kids why this is important and after you’ve shown them once, let them do it themselves the next time.

Recycled Rocket

Recycled Rocket

Turn plastic bottles into recycled rocket. Doesn’t it fit perfectly after the astronaut helmet ?Image

Got wisdom to pour?



kids, management, projects, recycle, reduce, reuse, waste