40 Terrible Stair Designs That Are Disasters Just Waiting To Happen

Published 5 years ago

The story goes that stairs were invented back in 1910 when Jonathan B. Stairs injured his foot and couldn’t climb the ladder to reach the second floor of his house. Okay, we might have just made that story up. But honestly, stairs are such a simple design – it’s just a bunch of steps that take you up or down, how can you mess that up? Well, apparently you can.

Even though stairs are the healthier alternative to elevators, sometimes designers manage to create stairs designs that are so terrible, they make you wish you had just taken the elevator instead. From fountains disguised as stairs to funky carpet choices, check out the terrible stair designs that are disasters just waiting to happen in the gallery below!

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#1 Not A Good Carpet Choice For Stairs If You Ask Me

Image source: scienceyeaux

#2 I’ve Seen Some Crappy Stairs, But This One Takes The Cake

Image source: TeeMestoil

#3 Camouflage 101

Image source: shortround10

#4 When You Let Satan Choose The Carpet

Image source: ThatJustWontWork

#5 Built The Staircase Exactly As Designed, Boss

Image source: MenacingBanjo

#6 Stairs That Lead To Nowhere

Image source: SnyperJay

#7 In Case Of Fire Use Stairs, They Said. Do Not Use Elevators, They Said

Image source: dylangleit

#8 Extreme Wheelchairing

Image source: Planeguy58

#9 Stairs Of Death

Image source: palegreycells

#10 Almost Broke My Leg

Image source: Landash

#11 These Stairs At A Movie Theatre

Image source: hatonthefox

#12 You Don’t Have To Be Drunk To Fall Down These Stairs

Image source: Elmaaro

#13 These Aren’t Stairs. They Are Decorative Waterfalls. My Friend Walked Into Them And Slipped, I Laughed My Ass Off

Image source: Johantm

#14 This Flight Of Stairs Outside A Door Is Death Waiting To Happen

Image source: Vjaa

#15 My God

#16 For When You Want A Near Death Experience Every Time You Use The Stairs

Image source: Peeped

#17 If You Choose To Go On The Left, On The Ramp, Because You Have A Bike Or Stroller, Then You Will Encounter A Step Later. But If You Choose Stairs Then You Will Encounter A Ramp After The Stairs

Image source: Writerro

#18 These Sloping Stairs

Image source: tafstudio

#19 How To Break Your Bones

Image source: Cyreniac

#20 Man This Hill Is Just Too Steep. Hold On A Sec While I Take The Stairs

Image source: Man-Sand

#21 These Stairs

Image source: salamanca2792

#22 These Double Stairs

Image source: adynako

#23 These Stairs Must Be For Pets And Children Only

Image source: CapnRedbeard647

#24 These Stairs In Monaco

Image source: clockbird

#25 These Stairs

Image source: mariii95

#26 These Stairs In A College I Visited Had People Confused…

Image source: N0t-a-Weeab00

#27 These Stairs In My Sisters House Are A Joy To Use

Image source: SlumberingParrot

#28 Someone Directed Us To These Stairs When We Were Lost

Image source: Magic_Dolo

#29 The One Stair Slightly Shifted To The Side

Image source: True_Duke_Of_Spook

#30 These Stairs Are 1ft/30cm High

Image source: paulcbel

#31 These Stairs In A Residence Hall When I Was In College. Always Creeped Me Out

Image source: rileyjw90

#32 The Stairs To Nowhere

Image source: mmjj2007

#33 You Win This Time, Stairs…

Image source: PoorFitPoncho

#34 Terrible Floor To See The Depth Of The Stairs

Image source: buxx

#35 These Stairs…

Image source: RaplinePlease

#36 Space Saving Stairs

#37 Let Them All Fall From Those Stairs

#38 Carpeted Stairs To Shower

Image source: jLynx

#39 Nearly Died Carrying A Box Down These Basement Stairs

Image source: BlackJPI

#40 Stairs Leading To Nowhere At My School

Image source: dogbreathTK

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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Bad, crappy, design, dumb, stairs, steps, stupid