First Ever Notebook With Magnetic Spine Lets You Remove And Reattach Pages

Published 9 years ago

It’s a pity you can’t put notebook pages back in after you’ve ripped them out. Fortunately, the Rekonect Notebook doesn’t suffer such shortcomings. It’s a notebook with a magnetic spine that holds pages with a metallic sideline. The pages can be easily and elegantly taken out of the notebook, rearranged, and put back in. An easy way to, say, scan you sketches before putting them back into the book.

Rekonect Notebook is currently on Kickstarter, having already received $23,000 of $75,000 needed with 39 days left to go. The notebook will have 60 sheets (or 120 pages) with the option of buying additional paper packets. The paper comes in several varieties: line, graph, dotted, or blank paper. For a $39 pledge, you can get the notebook and one additional paper packet. So if you hate taking notes on a computer or you keep dropping your sketches everywhere, you know what to do.

More info: | facebook | kickstarter (h/t: designtaxi)

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Look at the Rekonect Notebook in action:

Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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Kickstarter, magnetic notebook, magnetic spine, magnetic spine notebook, notebook, reattachable pages, Rekonect, Rekonect Notebook, reusable notebook, sketch book
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