20 Unrealistic Job Postings That Had Candidates Running In The Opposite Direction

Published 12 months ago

Applying for a job is normally a two-way street. The company looking for the right candidate and the applicant looking for the right job fit. However, some recruiters forget that both parties need to be happy with the partnership and tend to almost set up candidates for failure with unrealistic requirements in the job posting. 

From demanding a decade of experience in a technology that has only been around for a couple of years, to requiring PhD level qualifications for an entry-level position, there is an unnecessary focus on arbitrary requirements. Two subreddits, ‘Recruiting Hell‘ and ‘Antiwork‘, highlight these job advertisements that are out of touch with reality and we’ve shared a few of their most ridiculous postings below. 

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#1 Saw It Online

Image source: symphonymelodysong, twitter.com

#2 Wtf Are They On… This Is For A Call Center Position

Image source: Odd__Kangaroo

#3 Why Do We Have To Jump Through So Many Hoops Just To Get Our Application Rejected Anyway

Image source: VirginMusk

#4 An Expensive First Day On The Job

Image source: dertigo

#5 Burn

Image source: ScottGonzalez_01, twitter.com

#6 Imagine Asking If Someone’s Ok With Earning 30% Less Than What They Currently Make

Image source: TempleBarIsOverrated

#7 Exactly On Time

Image source: XistenZ

#8 Not Sure If This Is A Repost

Image source: The-1-U-Didnt-Know

#9 Seeking Candidate With 15+ Years Of Social Media Experience

Image source: ddh85

#10 The New York Times Has An 8 Round Interview Process

Image source: reddit.com

#11 My First Haiku

Image source: Sansarra

#12 “We Are Unable To Offer Positions To People With The Name Jeffrey”

Image source: whymauri

#13 A Friend Of Mine Was Looking For A Job Yesterday. This Must Be Hella Illegal, Right?

Image source: reddit.com

#14 Why Even Ask?

Image source: 54R45VV471

#15 U.k. International Candidate Here – This Is What The Recruiter Texted Me After I Told Him I Need The Company To Sponsor My U.k. Skilled Worker Visa…

Image source: throwaway28286262819

#16 “I Just Saw You Swallow”

Image source: 53dogs

#17 Employment Gap

Image source: Philly-South-Paw

#18 New Requirements Strikes

Image source: showasanke

#19 This Is A New Level Of Hell

Image source: Wise_Respect399

#20 Ayo This Lady Working For UPS Really Tried To Get Free Labor Out Of Me Lol

Image source: Internal_Gift_185

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



absurd job requirements, job posting, job requirements, unrealistic job requirements, weird job requirements