30 Of The Most ‘Antisocial” Memes For Anyone Who Is Struggling In Social Settings, As Shared By This Instagram Account

Published 2 years ago

Covid-19 really made us realize how much socialization with other people means to us. Many introverted peeps out there would probably agree that working from home and simply trying to stay indoors more is actually.. all you could ever ask for!

Of course, every once in a while everyone’s social battery runs out and needs recharging by an entire day or weekend of not going out and socializing. But you know who doesn’t have this issue? Introverts, because their social battery is always low and they don’t give a single damn about recharging it.

For all of you introverted people, there’s a dedicated Instagram page called FOGO, which stands for The Fear of Going Out. Check out Demilked selection of the most ‘antisocial’ memes we were able to find.

More info: Instagram

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Image source: ImNotScottySire


Image source: fearofgoingout


Image source: fearofgoingout


Image source: donniedoesworld


Image source: closetoclassy


Image source: deelalz


Image source: oldredtree


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Image source: fearofgoingout


Image source: fearofgoingout


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Image source: fearofgoingout


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Image source: Adamhill1212


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Image source: baddanadanabad


Image source: AndySugs


Image source: Ali_jordan1


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Image source: Kristen_Arnett


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Image source: fearofgoingout


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Image source: fearofgoingout


Image source: tacko_belle


Image source: SamanthaMatt1

Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

Got wisdom to pour?



antisocial, antisocial memes, antisocial people, Fear Of Going Out, FOGO, introvert memes, introverted people, introverts, meme page, understanding introverts