Sea Gypsies: Hidden Tribe In Borneo Lives In Its Own Paradise

Published 9 years ago

Some people get sea sick even thinking about boats. But Bajau spent their lives on waves, and French photographer Rehahn managed to snap some pictures these people. The pictures featuring the children are especially whimsical. After all, most of us were young, once, and wanted to play in the sea. And these kids play there all the time. And not just any sea: it‘s the tropical paradise, azure blue kind of sea. Clear as sea can be, and wonderfully warm. It is the brighter side of the lives of these peoples. Bajau, a sea living nomadic fisher folk, currently face a multitude of serious economic and livelihood problems, not exactly reflected in these pictures. Hopefully, the children are spared the worst of it.

Rehahn – full name Rehahn Croquevielle – was born in France, but moved to Vietnam after visiting it with a non-profit. He has spent seven year traveling the country, made 40,000 pictures, and released a book. Of course, his attentions aren‘t limited to just Vietnam, and he travels a lot. He describes himself a person seeking truth and beauty, as well as photographic excellence. Such dedication has attracted attention of such vaunted publications as National Geographic.

Can’t really argue with that talent.

More info: Facebook | (h/t: boredpanda)

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The Bajau, the nomads of the sea, are neither recognized not accepted by the neighboring countries


They are there by choice: the choice to live in paradise, their own little paradise


The tribe has no knowledge of reading or writing


The Bajau do not know their ages


They know roughly about the concept of age but time doesn’t matter much to them, only the present moment counts


Regardless of age, everyone finds his place and helps to catch the fish



Women give birth here in their hut on stilts. Most Bajau are born, live and die on their land



Younger children are constantly on the boats, learning how to dive or swim, while those who have reached the age of about 8 years old are already busy hunting



Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

Got wisdom to pour?



Asia, borneo, children, full-post, gypsy, Rehahn, Rehahn Croquevielle, sea, sea gypsies, sea nomads, sea tribe, the Bajau, Travel, tribal photography, tribe, tribes