10 Most Creative Signs From Women’s Marches Around The World

Published 8 years ago

The Women’s March was supposed to be an event in Washington for gender equality, but in a day, it spiraled into a worldwide movement to promote LGBTQ rights and racial inequality as well.

408 marches were reported in the U.S. and 168 in other countries, which drew around 500,000 to D.C. alone, and 2.9 million people in U.S. And people were so active in making those catchy posters that some stores even reported shortages of poster boards.

“The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women’s rights are human rights,” says the official website.

More info: womensmarch (h/t: boredpanda)

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Donald Trump, protest signs, signs, The Women's March, women's march, Women's March on Washington, Women's March signs