Germany Opens The First Strip Of A 100-Kilometer “Bicycle Superhighway”

Published 9 years ago

Germans are known for their car manufacturing, so of course they are opening a highway for bicycles – no cars, no pollution, no danger! It’s the first 5 kilometer bit of a planned 100 kilometer network that will connect 10 western cities including Duisburg, Bochum and Hamm and four universities. It will run along disused railroad tracks in the Ruhr industrial region to make the best use of existing infrastructure.

According to Martin Toennes of regional development group RVR, the route will be easily accessible to about two million people who will be able to use it in their commutes. Bicycling is gaining popularity in Germany and makes up 10 percent of all commuting.

More info: (h/t: inhabitat)

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Germany is opening the first 5 km / 3 miles of their bicycle highway


The 100 km / 66 miles highway will eventually connect many cities and universities


Parts of the road will be built on disused rail tracks


The highway will give access to easy commuting for about 2 million people


Photo credits: AFP / Patrik StollarzADFC-DpR

Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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bicycle autobahn, bicycle highway, bicycle paths, bicycle roads, bicycle superhighway, bicycles, commuting, environment, Germany, health, Ruhr, RVR