Here Are The 27 Winning Photos From The 2020 Birth Photography Competition (NSFW)

Published 4 years ago

They say it takes a village to raise a child – but that’s the easy part. First, a mother has to give birth to one and that has to be one of the most painful experiences a woman can go through in her life.

Every year photographers from all over the world capture raw and powerful photos of women giving birth and submit their best photos to the International Birth Photography Image Competition organized by the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IABPB). This year, photographers from 52 countries competed five different categories: labor, delivery, postpartum, birth details, and fresh 48. According to the organizers, over 1.1k photos were submitted to the competition.

IABPB says the competition encompasses the tears of joy, the wonder of bringing a new life into the world and celebrates family. The photographers’ images will help you understand just what a woman has to go through to give birth but be warned – some of the photos are very graphic.

See the winners of this year’s International Birth Photography Image Competition in the gallery below!

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#1 Best In Birth Details: “Baby Noah Empelicado”, Jana Brasil

Image source: Jana Brasil

#2 Honorable Mention: “In Between”, Daniela Justus

Image source:  Daniela Justus

#3 Honorable Mention: “Reactions”, Paulina Splechta

Image source: Paulina Splechta

#4 Best In Fresh 48: “Denial”, Natalie Weber

Image source: Natalie Weber

#5 Members’ Choice First Place: “Ring Of Fire”, Katie Torres

Image source: Katie Torres

#6 First Place: “A Moment Of Silence”, Jessica Vink

Image source: Jessica Vink

#7 Honorable Mention: “Overflowing Love”, Barbara Aviz

Image source: Barbara Aviz

#8 Honorable Mention: “Paradise Found”, Rebecca Coursey-Rugh

Image source: Rebecca Coursey-Rugh

#9 Honorable Mention: “On The Day You Were Born”, Sarah Maverick

Image source: Sarah Maverick

#10 Honorable Mention: “In It Together”, Lori Martinez

Image source:  Lori Martinez

#11 Honorable Mention: “Silence”, Evelien Koote

Image source: Evelien Koote

#12 Honorable Mention: “Unplanned, Furious And Free”, Bree Garcia

Image source: Bree Garcia

#13 Best In Fresh 48: “Her Cup Runneth Over…”, Martha Lerner

Image source:  Martha Lerner

#14 Honorable Mention: “Holding Two Sons”, Lindsey Ellis

Image source:  Lindsey Ellis

#15 Honorable Mention: “Fresh”, Brittney Hogue

Image source:  Brittney Hogue

#16 Best In Labor: “Morning Light Creeps In”, Shea Long

Image source: Shea Long

#17 Honorable Mention: “We’ve Got You Baby!”, Belle Verdiglione

Image source: Belle Verdiglione

#18 Best In Labor: “I Am A Birthing Goddess”, Sophia Costa

Image source: Sophia Costa

#19 Honorable Mention: “Milagre Da Vida”, Jana Brasil

Image source: Jana Brasil

#20 Best In Delivery: “Unmasking The Many Layers Of Birth”, Alexandria Mooney

Image source: Alexandria Mooney

#21 Best In Postpartum: “Vernix Constellation”, Kristy Visscher

Image source: Kristy Visscher

#22 Honorable Mention: “A Dramatic Entrance”, Dania Watson

Image source: Dania Watson

#23 Honorable Mention: “Dance With Me On Your Long Walk”, Kate Carlton

Image source: Kate Carlton

#24 Honorable Mention: “Breech”, Cindy Willems

Image source:  Cindy Willems

#25 Best In Birth Details: “Warrior”, Bree Garcia

Image source: Bree Garcia

#26 Honorable Mention: “Colostrum Drunk”, Shea Long

Image source: Shea Long

#27 Honorable Mention: “She Watches Them”, Ashley Marston

Image source: Ashley Marston

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

Got wisdom to pour?



birth, child, childbirth, emotional photos, fatherhood, IBPIC 2020, International Birth Photography Image Competition, International Birth Photography Image Competition 2020, mother, motherhood, mothers, parenting, parents, photography, photos, powerful photos, raw emotions, shocking reality, strong mothers, the reality of childbirth