Photographer Reveals How Mothers’ Bodies Look After Birth
We’ve already shown that miracle of birth can sometimes seem nightmarish. Pregnancy and birth have some side effects on mothers’ bodies, but photographer Jade Beall is out there to prove that they are still beautiful. Her photographs show mothers in all their uncovered, unedited glory – including stretch marks and children. They don’t seem regretful.
“I had already posted photos of my post-birth body to show the world what I was going through after my son Sequoia came into this world. And through all of this I realized that there were hundreds and thousands of women who also wanted to share their life stories about their bodies!” Jade Beall writes on the website of her project, A Beautiful Body. This kind of photography is needed in an age where silly new requirements for women’s bodies spring up and proliferate all the time. How is a mother to keep up? Why should she be punished for rearing a child, something that’s of paramount importance both to her and her country? Jade Beall’s photography is the answer, and the answer is “be happy.”
And maybe “screw the haters”, too.
More info: jadebeall.com | Facebook | abeautifulbodyproject.com (h/t: boredpanda)
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