20 Ridiculously Entitled Brides And Grooms Spotted On ‘Choosing Beggars’ Subreddit

Published 1 year ago

It’s that time of the year again folks. Wedding fever is in the air as the weather turns fine and invitations pour in as the call to celebrate loving unions intensifies. However, this particular time also means high stress as deluded brides and grooms galore try to push their entitled demands on unsuspecting family, friends and vendors to have the perfect wedding. 

We’ve explored the Choosing Beggars subreddit to find exactly what the most ridiculous demands are that people make and some of these couples’ requests are absolutely appalling. Scroll below to check out some of the most outrageous demands that couples have had the audacity to put forward in the gallery below. 

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#1 Soliciting Wedding Funds From Strangers Isn’t Tacky At Allllll /S

Image source: mamelou

#2 Bridezilla Calls Passive Aggressive Dibs On A Public Use Area In My Neighborhood Where We All Walk, Atv, And Camp

Image source: wet_leaves

No permit, no contact info, no restrooms or trash facilities, and definitely not enough woods for a 50+ person blowout

#3 I’m A Wedding Photographer Too, So I Get To Rip You Off!

Image source: _Potato_Cat_

#4 From A Fb Group I’m In, An Actual Wedding Invite Someone Received. “You Don’t Have To Give Money But If You Do, Don’t Be A Cheapskate!”

Image source: madammayorislove

#5 Cb Bride Uninvites Guest For Not Producing Free Centerpieces

Image source: TimmyWananaka

#6 Surely Photographers Will Line Up To Pay Me To Shoot My Wedding In The Middle Of Nowhere

Image source: InTheRainbowRain

#7 Friend’s Wedding Venue Is “Beautiful” And A “Good Price”

Image source: wkyle82

but because the beggar’s not willing to pay to have “time to decorate and live in our moment” they’re going to leave a bad review

#8 Actual Quote From An Influencer Who Wanted Me To Address 250 Wedding Invites And Save The Date Cards. If It’s “Just Writing” Surely You Can Do It Yourself ?

Image source: MyOwnGuitarHero

#9 Let’s Pretend Army Officers Are Poor And Donate A Wedding Cake

Image source: JessicaFL127

#10 Kindly Refrain From Upstaging The Bride On Her Big Day — Oh, And No Admission Without A Gift Of $75 Or More

Image source: mariusionicajr

#11 I Received This Hand Written Letter From The Maid Of Honor

two days after I sent the bride and groom (an ex employee who was stealing from my retail store) a decline response to their backyard wedding

Image source: nickstandard

#12 My Crazy Aunt Expected Me To Bake Her Wedding Cake, Make Her Dresses And Do Her Seating Plan. (Spoilers: I Didn’t)

Image source: fishbebrave

#13 American Idol Singer Famous For His Rendition Of “She Bangs” Wants You To Pay For His Wedding

Image source: priceactionhero

#14 Bride Gets Rsvps From Wedding Guests And Only After The Fact Tells Everyone Who Said They Were Coming That They Need To Pay $75 Per Plate

Image source: Ldeezy

#15 Giving Bride’s Paypal To Strangers To Ask For Money

Image source: barkingwicket

#16 Bride And Groom Ask Friends For Free Labor And Food And Then Demand That They Buy Special Clothing To Wear At The Wedding

Image source: Caa3098

#17 I’m Selling A 100% Silk Wedding Dress For £75

Image source: little_jumbo

She offered £30 to drop it off. Turns out she meant £30 AND I drop it off in the next 6 hours because she’s getting married in 9 weeks and can’t afford the fuel.

#18 Wedding Photo Contract Request

Image source: Bigian1971

#19 Except For Groom- Shotgun Wedding

Multiple posts a day asking for “donations” for both the wedding and baby shower (not including the INSANE gift registries) so they don’t have to provide anything for their guests

Image source: littlebugbiggarden

#20 Covid Bride Town Clerk Wants You To Lowball Yourself For Some Free Publicity At Budget Meetings

Image source: innocentsubterfuge

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



askreddit, choosing beggars, Choosing Beggars subreddit, funny, weddings