Robin Williams Nesting Dolls Made From His Famous Roles

Published 9 years ago

Russian dolls are a tribute to a family of increasingly smaller Russian women – at least, that’s my theory. But this set by Andy Stattmiller pays homage to Robin Williams, one of the greatest comedic actors of our time. Sadly, he took his life on August 11, 2014. Yet his movie legacy endures, as do his characters. The nesting dolls – ranging from 7 to on 0.75 inches in height – embody some of his most iconic appearances. The biggest doll comes from Mrs. Doubtfire from the movie of the same name, and the smallest one commemorates his most iconic voice actor work as the Genie from Aladdin.

Andy Stattmiller is a freelance illustrator from San Francisco. He primarily works on illustration, but he’s no stranger to nesting dolls, either. He has made dolls for Avengers, Breaking Bad and Street Fighter. He even made a double Star Wars original trilogy set: one for the heroes and villains each.

Ewoks are nowhere to be seen, cementing Stattmiller as a pretty cool guy.

More info: | Behance | Twitter | Society6 (h/t: juxtapoz)

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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actor tribute, Andry Stattmiller, Celebrity, geeky nesting dolls, movie memorablia, Mrs. Doubtfire, nesting dolls, Robin Williams, Robin Williams nesting dolls, Russian nesting dolls, tribute