Russian Artist Illustrates What Girls Think About, And It’ll Make You Laugh

Published 6 years ago

Anastasia ‘Stushona’ Ivanova is a Russian artist who portrays her daily struggles of being a woman. Her humorous comics shows these small little things that every woman faces at some point in her life.  Stushona has a background in illustration but has been drawing comics for only 8 months now. “The character is my alter ego,” she told Bored Panda. “It’s a reflective girl who finds non-standard ways of solving problems.”

“I draw topics that bother me,” she said. “Through comics, I express my attitude towards the world. [I believe that] self-irony is the best way to deal with troubles.”

Scroll down to check out her work!

More info: Instagram | Facebook (h/t)

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Anastasia Ivanova, funny girl comics, girl comics, girl problems in comics, hilarious girl comics, relatable comics, short comics, Stushona