20 Of The Coolest Building Transformations

Published 1 year ago

With time, everything experiences wear and tear including buildings. Oftentimes, these magnificent structures fall into disrepair due to lack of use, funds or relevance to current cultures. However, a recent increase in interest in a rising architectural approach called, ‘adaptive reuse’ has seen many attempts at reviving such dying facets of former glory as witnessed in the images below. 

Scroll below for a gallery of creatively transformed buildings that give these structures a second-life, having been repurposed into useful avenues of income or providing much needed relief for low-income neighbourhoods. It’s amazing to see how some people view the world and bring to life their vision. Their ability to see potential in an otherwise worthless, irrelevant or derelict building is truly inspiring to say the least.

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#1 Former Olive Mill Turned Into Home In Italy

Image source: tobago_88

#2 I Converted A Van Into A Home And Now Work Remotely And Travel Full-Time

Image source: danziehartlieb

#3 This Massive Library In Barcelona Is Built In What Was Formerly A Water Deposit Built In 1874. The pillars and vaults, inspired by the Romans, are this large as the water was held in a pool on the roof

Image source: Suissetralia

#4 My Apartment For The Night In Porto, Portugal Has A Preserved 12th Century Wall And Staircase Encased In The Bedroom

Image source: Sirnando138

#5 A Supermarket In An Old Theater In Venice, Italy

Image source: NubiSparse

#6 A Grocery Store Inside A 3rd Century Roman Imperial Palace In Croatia

Image source: FranjoTahy

#7 Boekhandel Dominicanen In Maastricht, The Netherlands. A Bookstore In A 13th Century Gothic Church

Image source: ExtremeOccident

#8 The Place Where Julius Caesar Was Murdered Is Now A Sanctuary For Cats

Image source: gunslayerjj

#9 Waterstones Book Shop – Bradford, West Yorkshire

Image source: tommyh4790

#10 I Converted A School Bus Into My House

Image source: reddit.com

#11 Atocha Tropical Garden In Madrid, Spain. The Building Once Was The Old Train Station Before The Transportation Hub Was Expanded To Include Its High-Speed Train Links. The sprawling garden contains 7,000 plants from more than 260 species.

Image source: Daderot

#12 This Walgreens Is In An Old Bank

Image source: acol0mbian

#13 This Old Church Has Been Converted To Self-Catering Accommodation In Scotland

Image source: JMASTERS_01

#14 This Church Has Been Converted Into A Bar

Image source: Hera2990

#15 My Hotel Used To Be A Prison

Image source: Savings-Spirit-3702

#16 The Carvings Around My Doorframe – 18th Century Converted Manor

Image source: Myneckmyguac

#17 Cozy Converted Church I Stayed In

Image source: Halo0_0

#18 This Old School NYC Subway Entrance Got Turned Into A Subway Entrance

Image source: huebomb

#19 Stayed In A Boeing 747 Converted To A Hostel At Arlanda Airport, Sweden (Jumbo Stay)

Image source: EntirelyForgettable

#20 Synagogue Turned Into A Café In Trnava, Slovakia

Image source: kiwi2703

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



Abandoned architecture, abandoned buildings, adaptive reuse, architecture, building conversions, building transformations, buildings repurposed