40 Wholesome Dads Whose Parenting Skills Are Hilariously Good

Published 8 months ago

Most dads have a method of parenting that is somewhat unique to them. Their problem-solving solutions are usually out of the box, they’re more prone to getting into scrapes with their kids and they usually have a soft spot that they only reveal in front of their kids. 

Today we want to explore the light-hearted side of fatherhood in the post below.  So gear up for a feel-good collection of funny and soul-healing posts that appreciate the pure wholesomeness of some really great dads.

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#1 Dad Life You Say? I Present To You Single Father Dress Up Time

Image source: tyhorner

Mighty Toastress: Please tell me these are fake lashes. Otherwise im very jealous…

#2 Found While Cleaning Out Old Photos. They Would All Scream For Food At Once So The Best Thing I Came Up With Was To Do 3 Bottles Simultaneously

Image source: Wabbastang

Tamra: When you have hungry, screaming triplets, you gotta get creative.

#3 My Wife’s First Day Back To Work While I’m On Daddy Duty. She Asked How He Was Doing And I Sent Her This

Image source: butters1214

Zedrapazia: Lol, that baby looks like a mini version of Psy from Gangnam style!

#4 My Girls Opened Up A Salon

Image source: Piratey_Pirate

nomnomborkbork: And you look charming indeed! Thumbs up to any dad who will let his kids “fix” his hair, paint his nails, put makeup on.

#5 Oh, You Know, Just A Spa And Movie Time With The Girls

Image source: goodjobcobb

Nick (He/Him): The best kind of dad

#6 This Is What Happens When Daddy Watches The Baby

Image source: brewjockey

nomnomborkbork: Happy baby, so the wicked eyebrows are even funnier.

#7 Smart Daddy

Image source: kaybrynell

#8 Week 1 Of Fatherhood (2011) – Eating Out

Image source: Decembrio

Nina: I wonder how he found out he needed to put a napkin on top of his kid 🤭

#9 One Benefit Of Being A Little Person Is You Can Drive Your Daughter Around In Her Barbie Jeep When She Had Too Much To Drink

Image source: NicolesResponseIs

nomnomborkbork: Too much apple juice will do it every time. Or maybe Dad just likes to drive.

#10 Mums vs. Dads

Image source: Tucko29

Mayra: Definitely had more fun with dad 😂

#11 I Had To Go To Work By Myself This Morning, And Daddy Kept The Kids. This Is What I Came Home To

Image source: sweetharperco

Antonia: I think they had a fun day! It will wash out.

#12 I Managed 9

Image source: lifeofdad

Head_on_a_Stick: Impressive.

#13 “Daddy, I Want To Be Elsa, But I Also Want To Be Darth Vader”. “Hmm Okay, No Problem”

Image source: trwwy321

MayraElsa Vader or Darth Whatever Elsa’s Last Name Is

#14 When Dad Is In Charge Of Watching The Kid

Image source: ambersherrell80

Imogen: Every .single .Christmas. card.

#15 As A Father Of 2 Little Girls Who Likes To Take Them Exploring The Woods, I Started Photoshopping Them Into Some Extreme Adventures

Image source: AbsintheCube

CORGI QUEEN: making imagination real! That’s so cool!

#16 Wife Left Me Alone With The Kids For The First Time And After Asking For An Update I Sent Her This

Image source: johnsbuffalo

#17 Just Wanted To Share My Favorite Picture Of My Husband And Daughter

Image source: RoBoggie

Mimi La Souris: aaawwww love it ! i miss these moments with my nieces :’)

#18 My Daughter Has An Irrational Fear Of Hair Clips, But She Said She Wouldn’t Be Scared If I Did It First. So Here We Are

Image source: CrikeyMikeyLikey

#19 When Daddy Takes Charge Of Playtime

Image source: Jamnoran

Tamra: That is one happy little face.

#20 My Dad Messing Around

Image source: Ciberpotato2000

Stevie S: Middle right looks like mr bean

#21 I Asked My Husband How Long The Kitchen Table Is. This Is What I Got

Image source: hellosweetie_11

Mayra: Did they eat all the bananas?

#22 My Daughter Likes That I Wear Hair Bows With Her

Image source: monkeyinpants

Stevie S: What a pair of cuties

#23 My Wife Left Me With The Baby. She’s A Worrywart And I Love Photoshop. Lesson Learned: Don’t Reply With Just A Photoshopped Picture When She Asks How Things Are Going With The Baby

Image source: FeedBack20

MellonCollie: Lol, your wife had no sense of humor. Sorry man.

#24 My Daughter’s Favorite Way To Cool Me Off After A Long Run On A Hot Day

Image source: SleepWouldBeNice

Jan Rosier: Great service !

#25 A Dad Has To Do, What A Dad Has To Do To Make A Bottle

Image source: imgur.com

Mimi La Souris: sorry, all I see are these back dimples just before the belt (single for too long i think :D )

#26 A Year Ago I Started Sending My Girlfriend These Photos Whenever She Asked If The Baby Was Okay

Image source: onadventurewithdad

glowworm2: This dad is a legend!

#27 Happy Father’s Day! Here Is My Favorite Photo I Have Of My Dad And I

Image source: Jacobklassen

Stuart: Boomer parents were the best! Love my boomer parents! We had so much fun and they didn’t hover.

#28 I Asked To Watch Him For A Minute So I Could Relax

Image source: lisa_setaputri

STress (I/me): That mohawk, tho…

#29 Daddy Will Fix It

Image source: garrynewman

Mark: My Xenomorph Daughter

#30 I’ve Waited For This Moment Since The Day He Was Born. He Gets A Gatorade And The WiFi Password When He’s Done

Image source: reddit.com

Black Cat: Dad needs a hammock.

#31 “We Have More Fun Shopping With Daddy”

Image source: PoppaClay

Black Cat: Flying around like superman(s)

#32 When Dad Does Your Hair In The Garage

Image source: PoppaFixIt

Justanotherpanda: If it works, it works.

#33 Like Father, Like Son

Image source: domofloge

Mark: This is cute, and a teachable moment for when that tractor topples down

#34 My Cousin Tied His Daughter’s Hair Up With A Teriyaki Meat Stick Wrapper Because He Didn’t Have A Hair Tie

Image source: fishchipslopez

Justanotherpanda: If it works, it works.

#35 Reason #82 Why Dads Shouldn’t Be Left Alone With Their Kids

Image source: mikerockitjones

Chriss21: Album cover. They’ll love this picture when they grow up

#36 Having A Daughter Means You Have To Encourage Her Interests, And Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone. Not Only To Make Her A Better Person But To Also Make Yourself Better. These moments are the moments that she will remember forever.

Image source: crazyunicorntamer

Stevie S: Top dad

#37 Thinking About Having A Barbeque This Weekend? Why Not Pull Out The Old Kids Safety Pen As The Ultimate Barbeque Dad Hack

Image source: ladbabyofficial

Lydsylou (she/her): Is that ladbaby? He’s a genius!

#38 Bought My Daughter A Gaming Chair

Image source:  4hourserected

Tee Pussi: Your daughter is a cat.

#39 My Husband Is No Longer Allowed To Go To The Craft Store Alone

Image source: plutosrain

#40 Damn Right, It’s Father’s Day

Image source: Half-A-Life

Lawrence : Beautiful yard!

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



dad, father, fatherhood, funny, parenting, superdad