20 People Share Their Disappointing Holiday Bonuses

Published 2 years ago

It’s that time of the year again, when we receive our Christmas bonus and boy do we look forward to that extra much-needed influx of cash. Sometimes, we even spend it way ahead of receiving it because that’s just how life is, you tend to roll your income based on predictions.

Then, imagine the shock and disappointment of not receiving according to your expectations, especially during an economic crisis such as what we are experiencing right now. After already cutting corners and penny pinching as much as possible, to putting in extra effort and time at the workplace to ensure it doesn’t just crumble due to the pressures of Covid-19 lockdowns etcetera to be dealt a low blow by your place of work similar to the ones below is sure to grate. Let us know in the comments, if you have had a similar experience.

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#1 My Xmas Bonus. Yes, That’s A Packet Of Lipton Cup Of Soup. But It Comes With A Cup And A Little Bow, So, You Know, All Good

Image source: Felonious_Quail

#2 Thank You For Working Hard This Year! For Your Bonus And Annual Gift, Here’s A Pewter Ornament With The Company Logo. We’re Going To Advertise Our Hospital On Your Christmas Tree At Home

Image source: blueindian1328

#3 Walmart Holiday Bonus

Image source: PieCrafted

#4 The Company I Work For Gave Us Our “Christmas Bonus” It’s $25 For In-Store Use Only And They’re Taxing Us At The End Of The Month Whether We Use It Or Not

Image source: BeeFrogger

#5 Yes, That’s Definitely What Happened

Image source: Blueskywindandleaves

#6 Christmas Bonus (Worked Here A Total Of 9 Years)

Image source: cragnarok710

#7 Instead Of Giving Us A Much Needed Christmas Bonus, They Got Us A Pool/Ping Pong Table. Never Even Half Enough Time On Break Or Lunch To Even Play. Company Made ~45 Billion In Profits Last Year

Image source: kinsolomon

#8 I’m A Skilled Tradesman Who Is Supposed To Get A $3000 Bonus At The End Of The Year For Making The Company $150,000 In Profit, Per My Contract. I Doubled It, Which Is Supposed To Increase My Bonus. This Is What I Received. 100% Done With This Industry

Image source: itstinyrick86

#9 This Was My Husbands Xmas Bonus. He’s Been There 7 Years And His Job Requires A Degree. The CEO Made $5.3 Million Last Year. Even If You Times $30 By The Number Of Employees They Have It’s Still Less Than What He Made By Almost Half. The Company Itself Is Worth $123bn

Image source: xithbaby

#10 My Christmas Bonus

Image source: le_eddz

#11 My Company’s “Christmas Bonus”

Image source: Muttandcheese

#12 I Got My Christmas Bonus Today! #blessed

Image source: Jenchac

#13 Ladies And Gentlemen, This Year’s Holiday Bonus

Image source: Deb-1961

#14 The Company I Work For Canceled Our Yearly Bonuses/Raises And Gave Us A $5 Starbucks Gift Card And An Ornament Instead

Image source: reddit.com

#15 Christmas Bonus This Year

Image source: DoubtfulThomas

#16 Girlfriend’s Christmas Bonus

Image source: rollergo11

#17 This Was My Dad’s Only Christmas Bonus From The Company He’s Worked At For Over 20 Years: A $20 Off Coupon For A Frozen Turkey. My Mom Got A Christmas Ornament

Image source: AdiosTinyToast

#18 My Entire Store’s Christmas Bonus Is This Box Of Cookies

Image source: Rattzzzzz

#19 My Husband Got His Xmas Bonus At Work

Image source: Majax2

#20 Been Working Here For 5 Years, And Each Year It’s Gone Down From A $100 Actual Bonus To This S**t

Image source: ADgreen15

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

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christmas, christmas bonus, disappointing bonus, holiday season, small bonus