20 Times Employees Were Denied Their Day-Off Requests By Aloof Bosses When They Needed It The Most, As Shared On This Viral Twitter Thread

Published 2 years ago

Many are aware that in the US, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require compensation for time not worked. And that includes vacations, sick leave, or federal and other holidays. While, in many other countries, workers are guaranteed 4 to 6 weeks of vacation annually, plus they can additionally request unpaid time off. Is that the American Dream they were talking about?

And although many employers are understanding and provide both paid and unpaid time off for their workers, others are abusing the lack of law regarding the holiday. Recently, a registered nurse on Twitter shared a post saying she was denied time off work for her wedding. Post went viral and more people started sharing stories of important times in their lives when their time off work was denied.

Take a look at some of these rather infuriating stories and tell us if you’ve been denied time off when you really needed it?

More info: Twitter

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Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

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day-off requests denied, entitled bosses, lack of policy regarding PTO, no federal law regulating paid vacation in the US, no policy regarding the holidays in the US, paid time off, paid time off requirements in the US, paid vacations, unpaid time off, unpaid vacations