Comic Artist Outraged After Filmmakers Rip Off His Original Idea And Not Even Include Him In The Credits
With over 1.7 million followers on Instagram, Adam Ellis, aka Adamtots, is one of the most widely-recognized webcomic artists out there. Recently, the artist got into a feud with filmmakers Andrew Butler and James Wilson, who shamelessly ripped of the idea of one of his comics and turned it into a movie without even giving him proper credit. Adam decided not to remain silent and took this whole ordeal to social media, where he quickly gained support from thousands of fans.
In one of his recent Tweets, Adam explained how the filmmakers plagiarized his comic shot-for-shot for their movie Keratin, and even gave some examples that really drive the point home. Turns out that the filmmakers had contacted him in the past and asked him to promote the film. Adam, of course, did not approve of the idea but that didn’t seem to stop the filmmakers – they simply decided to ghost him and released the movie anyway. Both Butler and Wilson have now shut down their social media accounts, making it impossible to reach them.
See how the whole situation unfolded below!
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Filmmakers Andrew Butler and James Wilson recently ripped-off artist Adam Ellis’ comic idea to create a film called Keratin
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Naturally, Adam was not OK with this and shared some comparison pics to really drive his point home
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Image credits: adamtots
Turns out that Adam did not approve of the film but the filmmakers simply chose to ignore him
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Adam explained that the comic had a deep personal meaning to him
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Image credits: Adam Ellis
The filmmakers made their accounts private so that Adam could no longer reach them
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Image credits: Adam Ellis
Fans of Adam’s work were outraged by the way the filmmakers’ lack of communication and ended up downvoting Keratin to oblivion. It’s currently rated at 1.0 stars on IMDb.
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