First, you smoke tobacco, and then the tobacco smokes you!

Published 8 years ago

A recent study claims that smoking tobacco caused the deaths of 80,000 individuals in the United Kingdom! It also states that one out of every 2 smokers will die because of smoking. Smoking tobacco is not only a leading cause of lung cancer, but is also the cause of organ failure. It is a very serious form of addiction, causing fatal complications to the body. Here are the many negative ways that smoking impacts the function of different body organs.


Smoking tremendously increases the risk of stroke in an individual. This is due to the increased possibility of an aneurysm in the blood vessels, which may rupture and lead to hemorrhage in the subarachnoid space. Studies say that a smoker has a 50% greater risk of dying due to stroke as compared to a non-smoker.


Smoking tobacco increases the risk of death due to Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), heart attack, ischemic attack, Peripheral Vascular Disease, and more. This occurs because the nicotine and the Carbon monoxide present in these tobacco products saturates the hemoglobin in the blood much faster than oxygen. As a result, it drastically reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. This reduces the oxygen supply to vital organs such as the heart, brain, liver, etc. As a result, there are more chances that the organs may fail to work.


Lungs are the most affected organs while smoking. This is because the inhaled tobacco directly deposits itself in the alveolar spaces. This irritates the tissue lining of the respiratory passage and leads to cough, asthma, and bronchitis. This collectively results in breathing problems. If smoking is still continued, then severe forms of lung disorders such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and emphysema ensue. This can also turn into the most horrifying lung disease, lung cancer. Smoking is one of the leading causes of deaths, due to lung cancer, and as many as 80% of lung cancer deaths are due to smoking.

Oral mucosa

Smoking not only leads to bad breath and stained teeth, but it is also a leading cause of oral cancer. This can occur in several regions such as the buccal mucosa, tongue, palate, pharynx and esophagus.


Smoking increases the risk of developing gastric ulcers. These are very painful and are often accompanied by gastric reflux. Gastric reflux occurs because smoking weakens the valve lining of the esophageal-stomach sphincter. This makes it easier for the acid to regurgitate and go up into the esophagus, thereby leading to acidity and heartburn. Furthermore, it also increases the risk of developing stomach cancers in the body.

The above health problems caused by smoking are the reasons to never smoke. Smokers can quit smoking through the use of rehabilitative programs, if they are struggling with quitting.

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epa01307059 A man poses for a photographer while smoking a cigarette in a cafe in Beijing, China, 07 April 2008.  World Health Day is observed 07 April 2008 and it is also the 60th anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO).  According to WHO statistics, one in every three smokers worldwide is in China.  China's number of smokers is currently about 350 million people - the approximate total population of Japan, Russia and Germany combined.  China produces more tobacco annually than any other nation.  EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

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