Cat Interrupts Rugby Game And Starts A Photoshop Battle
The internauts were waiting for another opportunity to wage a Photoshop battle, and this rugby-loving cat just gave them their chance.
Last Sunday this reckless sports fan interrupted the Australian rugby league’s match between Penrith Panthers and the Cronulla Sharks. Unable to stand his home team losing the black cat ran out into the stadium as the fans cheered.
After the game was over the fans took to Bored Panda where they immortalized the misbehaving cat in a glorious Photoshop battle.
(h/t: boredpanda)
#1 Go!
Image source: lucidpixels
#2 Putin On The Cat
Image source: Im_a_cantaloupe
#3 Learning From The Master
Image source: WetCoastLife
#4 Toothless!
Image source: GoatNipps
#5 Hurdle Cat
Image source: jukkak15
#6 He Foul Me
Image source: RexLeou
#7 Action Comics
Image source: FlavourText_
#8 The Neverending Purr
Image source: KillerRu
#9 At Least The Cat Zig-zagged
Image source: Karin O
#10 Family Trip To Petting Zoo Didn’t Go As Planned…
Image source: Michael de Vreugd
#11 Black Cats Matter
Image source: Viwe Mfaku
#12 Space Cat
Image source: XtaC_Ewok
#13 Kiki’s Delivery Service
Image source: artunitinc
#14 Him Again…
Image source: tijn
#15 Searching For Luke
Image source: MilesBennettDyson101
Here’s another Photoshop battle that involves the Queen and her fancy dresses.
Got wisdom to pour?
Now I understand the true meaning of “black cat crosses your path”. Btw, the picture with Putin is hilarious :)