30 Of The Funniest And Most Accurate Images Portraying “History In Memes” (New Pics)

Published 2 years ago

Welcome back, fellow history lover, or should I call you historophile? And no, I didn’t come up with that title myself. We are back with (insert 20th Century Fox theme song here) yet another post sharing even more funny yet accurate history memes and jokes! Thanks to the almighty Internet for allowing us to combine education with entertainment, or as they now call it these days, edutainment. Learning new words today, huh?

Bellow, we have selected some of the most entertaining posts from two very successful history meme accounts. An Instagram page, “History In Memes,” has gathered over 1.1M comrades who enjoy “daily history lessons.” And the other page, “A sub for Historymemes,” has over 4.2M history experts sharing quality content. Take a look at the best posts!

If you are interested in more history memes, check out our previous posts here and here!

More info: Instagram, Reddit

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#1 Gotta Do Whatcha Gotta Do

Image source: historyinmemes

#2 How Og

Image source: historyinmemes

#3 Joe Bless

Image source: historyinmemes

#4 History Of Religion Can Often Be Frustrating

Image source: Bootyshortsforcorgis

#5 Not Nice

Image source: historyinmemes

#6 I Still Do This

Image source:  historyinmemes

#7 Portuguese Drax

Image source: MdMV_or_Emdy_idk

#8 I Love A Nice Vase

Image source: historyinmemes

#9 Pretty Straightforward

Image source:  historyinmemes

#10 It Really Do Be Like That

Image source: historyinmemes

#11 The Sumerians Played A Trick On Us

Image source: Mysterious_Unit3970

#12 Christians Sure Are A Contentious Bunch

Image source: jacw212

#13 First Pig

Image source: OkAcanthocephala6129

#14 Yoink

Image source: adamthealright

#15 Feels Bad Man

Image source: historyinmemes

#16 Not Exactly The Most… Heteronormative Culture

Image source: Van-Schultz

#17 It Really Do Be Like That

Image source: historyinmemes

#18 When Your Joke Backfires And You Accidentally Advance Women’s Rights

Image source: historyinmemes

#19 Love To See It

Image source: historyinmemes

#20 How Resourceful

Image source: historyinmemes

#21 Worth

Image source:  historyinmemes

#22 Whoever Runs Their Twitter Needs A Raise

Image source: Ukraine

#23 No Shame

Image source: historyinmemes

#24 This Is Just So Bad It Might Work

Image source: historyinmemes

#25 British Units

Image source: theHaiSE

#26 Would Ya Look At That

Image source: historyinmemes

#27 It All Makes Sense Now

Image source: LaComtesseJamie

#28 Instant Hands

Image source: historyinmemes

#29 Thoughts?

Image source:  historyinmemes

#30 Indifferent Penguin (Left)

Image source: historyinmemes

Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

Got wisdom to pour?



accurate history, funny history, historical facts, history in memes, history memes, historyinmemes, interesting history, jokes about history, r/HistoryMemes, unknown historical facts