30 Times People Came Across Signs That Were Too Funny Not To Share

Published 3 years ago

Making signs is pretty simple: just write whatever it is you want to say in bold letters and add some illustrations for clarity or artistic purposes. And while they are mostly used to convey some sort of important information, that doesn’t mean they can’t be fun.

Today we have prepared a collection of funny signs spotted by people that were simply too good not to share online. Check out some of the best ones in the gallery below, and if you want more, make sure to read our earlier article here!

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#1 I Thought It Was Weird Someone Put Tape Over The Sign

Image source: p11s

#2 Sign Posted Outside A Fencing Academy

Image source: shksona

#3 Los Angeles Ice Cream Truck Owner Is Tired Of Social Media Influencers Trying To Get Free Ice Cream For Mentions

Image source: cvtsoftserve

“We’ve decided to make this thing official with signage. We truly don’t care if you’re an Influencer, or how many followers you have. We will never give you a free ice cream in exchange for a post on your social media page. It’s literally a $4 item… Well now it’s $8 for you.”

#4 This Sign On A Beach In Lithuania

Image source: mrthordavis

#5 Housemate Put This Sign On Our Door After Amazon Repeatedly Posted “Sorry We Missed You” Cards Whilst We Were Home

Image source: MacronX

#6 Shop Sign In Kyoto, Japan

Image source: nullbyte7

#7 A Sign That Gets My Full Support

Image source: 8myabcsair

#8 This Sign At The Entrance To My In-Laws Retirement Community

Image source: danooli

#9 All Or Nothing! A Sign From A Local Business

Image source: MajorLeeClueless

#10 This Wet Floor Sign At The Toronto Aquarium

Image source: mcastre

#11 This Sign In Front Of A Bunch Of Venus Flytrap

Image source: Karl_DavidH

#12 This Sign I Found At A Local Movie Theater

Image source: memeboimanperson

#13 Confidence

#14 Let’s Not Ruin It By Calling Out Colors Or Sides. Just Enjoy The Sign For What It Says

Image source: VinceTheSignGuy

#15 Just Doing What The Sign Says

Image source: parsons5545

#16 A Few Days Ago A Car Drove Through An Arby’s. This Was Their Sign Today

Image source: TotesOfGoats

#17 These Guys Sit At This Table Every Morning. The Restaurant Owners Made This Sign To Claim The Table For Them

Image source: leebob05

#18 This Sign At A Local Vet

Image source: usrcncld

#19 Sign In A Taxi Cab

Image source: reddit.com

#20 Friend Saw This On Her Walk This Morning

Image source: jayrodhazlyf

#21 This Sign Outside A Local Pub

Image source: deepmobber

#22 The Sign At The Pizza Place I Go To

Image source: matt_CHRIST3NS3N

#23 I Work At A Vet Clinic And One Of My Coworkers Put This Up On The Wall

Image source: meowpal33

#24 Sign At A Local Park

Image source: KuronFury

#25 I’ve Never Seen A Hotel Pool Sign So Blunt Before

Image source: TurtlesTurnMeOn

#26 This Relatable Sign In Ireland

Image source: Chantrak

#27 This Corn Maze Sign

Image source: shidanesayo

#28 As Long As We’re Posting Signs

Image source: setialpha5

#29 Utah Has Its Issues, But It’s Traffic Signs Are Top Notch

Image source: B4ldy

#30 A Sign Outside An Off Strip Casino In Las Vegas

Image source: LVbellman

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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clever signs, funny, funny signs, signs, weird signs