20 Lighthearted Comics With Dark Undertones, As Illustrated By This Artist (New Pics)
Dmitri Piankov is a Russian artist who creates interesting and funny dark comics. The unexpected twists and surprising endings in his comics keep the readers hooked till the end and if you have a thing for dark humor, you might find yourself chuckling at some of these.
We’ve already featured Dmitri’s works earlier on DeMilked. Now he has gained more than 3k followers and keeps posting new works to keep his audience entertained. Check out some of his new works in the gallery below.
More info: Instagram
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Image source: dmitripiankov.comics
Got wisdom to pour?
Uhhhh…you do know most of these are stolen from Perry Bible Fellowship, right? Several comics are ripped off panel for panel, and the art style is blatantly trying to copy PBF, as well.
Oh shut up won’t you Karen!
#4 is my favorite!
It’s like most people in the world can’t appreciate someone taking time to try and make people laugh. Instead, most of you are of course negatively picking apart the artist’s grammatical errors and throwing out accusations! Take a deep breath and be glad you’re not seeing a new virus or another shooting. Can’t anything just be positive without judgment these days? Seriously, wtf?
Thank you for saying it…
It’s like most people in the world can’t appreciate someone taking time to try and make people laugh. Instead, most of you are of course negatively picking apart the artist’s grammatical errors and throwing out accusations! Take a deep breath and be glad you’re not seeing a new virus, or another shooting. Can’t anything just be positive without judgement these days? Seriously, wtf?
Grooviness at it’s best indeed… Indubitably…
Okay simple things it’s dark humor. So when he makes grammatical errors it’s even funnier.
The Xmas tree guy is the best! F*** all the haters on here! Keep doing your thing
You would suppose that before publishing their work the artist would at least check their English. Besides that, the jokes aren’t even funny.
Seriously! Even if English is their second language at least their it through a spelling and grammar check. These reply boxes are ridiculous too, they only want you to reply with 20 characters cause there is no scroll abilities on mobile lol. My apologies if this isn’t grammatically correct either I can’t see what I’m typing anymore….
Ill give it an 8 out of 10, It should habe been 10 , but Ive already seen some them.
So we gonna talk about how three is sexist orrrr
Which ones?
Yep and hilarious
We gonna talk about how stupid you are?