30 Times People Witnessed Hilarious Fashion Disasters And Just Had To Share

Published 5 years ago

When it comes to fashion, there’s a pretty thin line between what’s awesome and what’s just plain awful. Sometimes a weird choice of font or some poorly placed text can instantly turn any beautiful article of clothing into a complete disaster. And sometimes those disasters happen to be absolutely hilarious.

Bored Panda has compiled a list of the worst fashion designers people found and couldn’t resist sharing. From unfortunately placed patterns to poor logo placement, these fashion disasters are so bad, they’ll have you laughing out loud. See them in the gallery below and check out more here and here!


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#1 Born To Do Skate

Image source: CatrionaBlack

#2 Hood On vs. Hood Off

Image source: m_delacour

#3 So If You Didn’t See The Front…?

Image source: LodlopSeputhChakk

#4 It’s Not What You Think

#5 This Lady’s Dress While Interviewing South Africa’s President

Image source: JohnnyJohnCowboyMan

#6 This Lovely Dress…

Image source: clhomme

#7 For Those Empowered Girls With 11 Fingers

Image source: Sarcasticaleigh

#8 These Shoes With Suction Cups On The Bottom That Pop When I Walk On Smooth Surfaces

Image source: pateOrade

#9 A Real Housewives Dress “Design”

Image source: OMG__Ponies

#10 If Only There Was A Letter That Resembles The Eiffel Tower

Image source: DebaiHanns

#11 The Backside Of This Donut Costume…

Image source: miketutaj

#12 Yeah Definitely Wouldn’t Wear That

Image source: thegoatiedoodie

#13 Buy Me A What Now?

Image source: officialbee

#14 No Wonder Why These Are On Sale

Image source: GenjuMain656

#15 These Tights That Make You Look Like You Have The Worst Bruise Situation Ever

Image source: misterbrista

#16 Hmmm The Shirts Are Supporting The Idea That The Name Is Flawed

Image source: sdgallagher

#17 Children’s Shirt In A Candy Shop…

Image source: newlifewhodis223

#18 The Placement Of These Rather Saggy Bunny Ears…

Image source: meglizf

#19 Think I’ll Skip That Adventure

Image source: Eaterofjazzguitars

#20 New York?

Image source: BuzCluz

#21 This Saturday Sweater

Image source: MelancholyDrugs

#22 My Friend’s Wrestling Patch Looks Like Something Else

Image source: Sellosaurus

#23 At Least You Can Be Honest…

Image source: ricetomeatya

#24 The Crotch On These Pants

Image source: Yung_chode69

#25 This Is An Official Nintendo Product. You Know, For Kids

Image source: Tanooki’s Stuff

#26 Balenciagas New $5300 Dress

Image source: Zussow15

#27 10/10 Design

Image source: loserjuice_

#28 Not Sure If They Know What An Introvert Is

Image source: stackattack1000

#29 Very Well Positioned Mandala On Trousers

Image source: zalando.co.uk

#30 Putting Your Brown Logo On White Shoes

Image source: tofuwa

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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epic fashion design fails, fashion design fails, fashion fails, funny fashion design fails, funny fashion designs, horrible fashion designs