People Continue Roasting The Pandemic With Hilarious Jokes And Here Are 30 Best Ones This Week
They say that the pandemic is no laughing matter – but there’s only so much time you can spend sulking before feeling the need to laugh at a nice joke. And if you feel like that time has come, then you’ve come to the right place.
Even with the coronavirus still running rampant, people continue to create and share hilarious pandemic jokes that will take your mind off of all your worries – even if it’s just for a few minutes. From funny signs to ridiculous anti-masker logic, check out a fresh batch of pandemic jokes in the gallery below! And if you want more, see our previous posts here, here and here!
Image source: hotsteamingpho
Image source: forensictoxguy
Image source: idrinkcheapbeer
Image source: VOTEdotORG
Image source: Retroition
Image source: TomDangora
Image source: TheWilderThings
Image source: kellyannesnuker
Image source: maximilianfragglebottom
Image source: jrpsmith
Image source: rileyjsilverman
Image source: man9000
Image source: ben_rosen
Image source: SinCityJazz
Image source: layc04
Image source: BrainTaffy
Image source: EyePatchGuy
Image source: treetyoselfcarol
Image source: Mindy Vincent
Image source: Kkalio3
Image source: Mikel_Jollett
Image source: Oreocide
Image source: tprstly
Image source: girlziplocked
Image source: maivinyl
Image source: Lanhdanan
Image source: jjnefx
Image source: ButtBot9900
Image source: _Steth
Image source: YouAlreadyMutedMe
Got wisdom to pour?
Maybe I am mistaken, but I thought this was a site that inspired/shared creative ideas and projects/art…. So why the constant one-sided shaming? The artist’s job is to question anytting… This includes this situation… I’m rather tired of the consistent shaming (and bullying) I see shared on here to anyone with another opinion on these topics… You write them all off as “karens” and these idiotic terms so you can point and laugh. Low-hanging fruit. Really really juvenile and frankly, stupid
Really hateful and abusive stuff i don’t see what this nastiness has to do with sharing art.
Maybe I am mistaken, but I thought this was a site that inspired/shared creative ideas and projects/art…. So why the constant one-sided shaming? The artist’s job is to question anytting… This includes this situation… I’m rather tired of the consistent shaming (and bullying) I see shared on here to anyone with another opinion on these topics… You write them all off as “karens” and these idiotic terms so you can point and laugh. Low-hanging fruit. Really juvenile.