10+ Amusing Pale People Problems That Others Will Not Understand

Published 7 years ago

You struggle to get the right shade of foundation because the lightest one in the shop is still way too tan for your skin tone. You put on a thick layer of sunscreen just to go outside for a brief period of time because you’re too scared of getting burned. You get asked whether you’re alright just because you look too pale, even though that’s your everyday complexion. If all that sounds familiar to you, we are here to tell you – you are not alone. The stories of people listed below describe the everyday struggle of being pale, and it will definitely make you go “same” if you’re one of them.


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Image source: misskayleighross


Image source: thepigeongazette


Image source: tanontherunhalifax


Image source: artbymoga


Image source: meganksimpson


Image source: hadley


Image source: imgur.com


Image source: lissawhy


Image source: aadriennexx


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being pale, pale, pale people, pale people comics, pale people meme, pale people memes, pale people problems, pale skin