22 People Share Their Funniest “Quarantine Travel” Pics

Published 4 years ago

It looks like the quarantine won’t be lifted anytime soon and it will probably take months until we’ll be able to travel like before. However, the quarantine doesn’t seem to stop some travel-hungry people from coming up with creative ways of traveling from the comfort of their homes.

Just recently, Lithuanian journalist Liudas Dapkus and his colleague Gabrielė Štaraitė came up with a funny “quarantine travel” challenge. They encouraged people to recreate their travel photos using the things they found in their homes and received some hilarious results – check them out in the gallery below!

More info: Facebook | Instagram | Dapkus.blogspot.lt

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On the left, you can see Liudas holding a koala in Queensland back in 2018. On the right, you can see him holding his cat, Česlovas

Image credits: Liudas Dapkus

In an interview with Bored Panda, Liudas said that the quarantine messed up his 2020 travel plans and he even had to cancel his family trip to Turkey. “I’m not sure if we’ll be going to Portugal for Midsummer’s Day where they have a peculiar tradition to celebrate the day by hitting people on the head with inflatable hammers in the streets,” joked the journalist. “Our trips to Canada, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama won’t happen, either. We also planned to visit Mauritius and Reunion Island in November. Other than that, not much else has changed.”


Image source: Travel Planet kelionės


Image source: Arunas Skuja

Like most of us, Liudas is trying to keep himself occupied during the quarantine. He says he’s giving out interviews, going on TV shows and is even currently working on a new project which he says will be “important for Lithuania after this entire story is over and done with.” The journalist is also planning to release a new book this year and says he has already figured out the plot and even has time to put words on paper.


Image source: Vitalij Naumenko


Image source: Egle Geniene

Liudas is an avid traveler and has visited over 70 countries around the world. Earlier this year, the man published a book about his adventures titled Žuvis, kuri supainiojo duris (The Fish That Fooled The Door).

“When we go on a trip, we’re determined to suffer so that we can become enlightened,” said Liudas. “We wander about to find some sort of meaning in our daily lives.”


Image source: Audra Kondrote


Image source: Travel Planet kelionės


Image source: Travel Planet kelionės


Image source: Rasa Tilvikiene


Image source: Mantas Kazlauskas


Image source: Rasa Tilvikiene


Image source: Travel Planet kelionės


Image source: Travel Planet kelionės


Image source: Rasa Tilvikiene


Image source: Gabrielė Štaraitė


Image source: Travel Planet kelionės


Image source: Gabrielė Štaraitė


Image source:  Gintare Urbikaite


Image source: Aistė Borjas


Image source: Simonas Indrašius


Image source: Astraveland


Image source: Goda Juoceviciute


Image source: Gabrielė Štaraitė

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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adventurer, author, coronavirus lockdown, exotic adventures, journalist, Lithuanians take part in quarantine challenge, Liudas Dapkus, people recreate travel pictures, quarantine travel pics, quarantine traveler challenge, recreating travel photos at home, stay at home, staying entertained at home, travel blog, traveler, veteran journalist, Žuvis kuri supainiojo duris